Chapter 114: Punishment for the Cubs

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No one is in control. The wolf cubs didn't realize that they made any mistakes. All three happily hugged their mother's legs and climbed up.

Bai Yue chewed her fingers and bent down to hug them all, "Let's hide, or Dad will hit you again later."


The wolf cubs hugged their mothers in fear, and they looked like they are leaning against the mountain.

A sense of responsibility emerged spontaneously from Bai Yue's heart, and she fled decisively holding the children.

When Wolf went back to the bedroom and saw the scene inside, he shook his head helplessly.

He quietly packed up the room, thinking that his children might be spoiled.

The second floor is the fitness floor, and there are fitness equipment everywhere.

Bai Yue used her mental power to investigate the location of Langzhi and Xiong Yao, determined that they could not hear their voices, and let go.

"Come here, baby let's try the treadmill."

Bai Yue happily stepped on the treadmill, not so much taking the child, not that the child is a playmate.

The three wolf cubs hummed up the treadmill and stood beside their mother's legs to pant.

Bai Yue studied some buttons, turned on the power, and chose to warm up and walk slowly.

The running belt started immediately, first shocked, and then rolled up.

The wolf cubs are startled, and with a whine, they ran away.

In an instant, only Bai Yue is left on the treadmill.

"Stupid baby, don't be afraid, watch your mom run for you." Bai Yue said with a smile.


The eyes of the cubs are full of curiosity, and they stepped closer to their mothers, keeping a safe distance from the treadmill.

The speed of the treadmill is not too fast. Bai Yue is holding the handrails and can keep up with the rhythm of walking. It feels slow when running, and the rhythm is very out of sync.

The wolf cubs are stunned for a moment, and their eyes are gradually covered with an expression of eagerness to try.

At this time, Bai Yue felt warmed up and changed her speed to "jogging".


In the next moment, Bai Yue is taken out by the fast running belt, lying on the ground, and crushed the wolf cubs.



The wailing of the wolf cubs muffled out from under Bai Yue.

Bai Yue hurriedly stood up to let the children come out, and didn't hurt, but just felt too embarrassed.

"Cough, mom used it for the first time. I didn't expect it to be so fast." Bai Yue managed her hair and tried to maintain her strong image in front of the children.

Fortunately, the wolf cubs are still a blank piece of paper. They just listen to what their mother says, and they don't mean to despise their mother.

Bai Yue let out a sigh of relief and saw the barbell next to her, saying with interest: "We'll play with that one again."


The wolvf cubs followed their mother fartly.

Below the barbell is the fitness bed. Bai Yue lies on it, holding the smallest barbell with both hands.

The barbell had a big fist, but she didn't expect it to be as heavy as a gold coin. Bai Yue's expression made her frustrated.

"Oh?" Three wolf cubs sat in rows next to the fitness bed, looking at their mother curiously and admiringly.

Mom is so powerfull, amazing!

Seeing the little eyes of the children, Bai Yue felt that she could not counsel, gritted her teeth, and held out her full strength with a sigh of breath.

"Oh!" Bai Yue successfully raised the barbell in a roar that held her full strength.


The wolves howled in excitement, bouncing around the gym bed.

Bai Yue let out a sigh of relief, bent her elbow a little, and her slender arm suddenly couldn't support the weight of her hand.

"Wow!" A barbell hit the sides of Bai Yue's neck.

"Oh?" The wolves looked at their mother puzzled.

Bai Yue is a little embarrassed and pretended to be finished, ready to get up.

However, as soon as she moved, her calm expression broke.

I'm lying! My head's stuck, don't get up! Don't come now!

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ