Authors Note.

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Hey peeps.

Just a few things; this book is entirely my own work, please don't steal any of it. Plagiarism is technically a crime and it pisses me off.

I don't own any of the characters, places or businesses, any link to real people or things is entirely coincidental. I do not own Niall Horan or Liam Payne, I'm simply borrowing them to play house and they will be returned to Modest!/ SYCO when I'm done.

*amendment: I'm simply borrowing their names to play house and when I'm finished, they'll be free to go*

Also, I'm not saying that anything that happened in this book is real, has happened or will happen.

This book is mpreg, so if you don't like, don't read.

And before any of you post comments saying how crappy or unrealistic this is (I'm not saying you will, but..), I suggest you look up the meaning of the word fiction.

(1+1 Makes 3 is in no way affiliated with any of my/anyone else's other books)

I update pretty regularly, but updates depend on how much time I have to write, how much course work I've got, etcetera etcetera.

I'm currently very slowly editing this fic, so if at some point random chapters seem to have better grammar/less errors than others, you know why. 

There might be a couple of cliches in here - it's fan fiction and, honestly, toy story rocks.

(This book will probably be written in the third person, but there will be p.o.v's to show if the chapter is Niall centric or liam centric or whatever.)

With all that said, enjoy.

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