But it seems like Chris, her ex is about to blow her cover. Would Luke still wanna be with her if he knows? She'd make sure of it. He always listens to whatever she says anyway.

"Your girlfriend is a bully," Chris asserts which results to Luke shaking his head in disbelief.

"She's not."

Chris snickers. "She sure as hell is. She's a bitch."

"Don't call her that," Luke says through gritted teeth. He moves closer to Chris so that they're standing in front of each other.

"But that's what she is," Chris smirks. "Everyone in this school knows -- well, except you."

"You're lying."

"I wish I am but it's the truth. Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Chris nods as if to reassure him. He shifts his gaze to Ivy. She's the reason he's actually here. Not her oblivious boyfriend.

"Hey Bitch," he hollers.

"I said you shouldn't call her that." He pushes Chris on the shoulders which results in him taking two steps back.

"Don't touch me. Don't you get it? Do I have to spell it out? Ivy has been pretending around you. She knows you won't like the real her that's why she's pretending. She's a bully, a bitch."

Luke's hand hits Chris chest in warning. "Don't call her that."

Chris' right hand that he doesn't even realise has clenched into a fist comes in contact with Luke's face, causing his face to whip to the opposite side with force.

Cue loud gasps from the audience.

"What the fuck!" Ivy exclaims and appears at Luke's side.

Jason and Max -- who have been watching like everyone else -- are shocked that Chris punched Luke. They immediately leave their table and appear at both sides of Chris to stop him from doing anything that'd get him in trouble.

Chris watches Ivy inspect Luke's face for any damages. He hadn't meant to punch Luke, it just happened.

He's angry. He's mad at Ivy. Mad that she broke his heart in sophomore year. Mad that she went on with her life like nothing happened. Mad that she had the guts to threaten Hazel. Mad that she harassed Hazel and managed to leave a bruise on her wrist. Mad that Luke is so oblivious. Mad that someone as good as Luke is standing up for that bitch. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve anyone. She only deserves people as shitty as her.

"Are you insane?" Ivy bellows at him.

"I should be asking you that," Chris says, anger flickering in his eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ivy yells in exasperation.

Luke watches them, his cheek throbbing.

'Damn! That hurts,' he thinks.

He doesn't know what's happening but he can see that Chris is really angry.

"You had the guts to threaten Hazel, huh?" Chris rages. "Who do you think you are?"

Ivy's eyebrows scrunch in confusion as she tries to recall threatening anyone named Hazel. To be honest, she has done a lot of it to different people and most times, she didn't bother to know the person's name.

Chris notices the look of utter confusion on her face and realises that he didn't say her real name.

"I'm talking about Stephanie, what you did to her this morning."

'Oh! Her.' Ivy thinks. How could she have forgotten about the loser she had to teach a lesson this morning. But why does Chris care? She wonders.

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