Chapter 36

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Luke spotted his wife beside the car closing her eyes.
He went to her and stood at her side.
"I need to be alone Luke. "
Luke folded his arms and rose an eyebrow.
He is her husband didn't that mean she could trust him?
"You should be inside with Jenny....Our daughter..."

"That's what I wanted to talk about...and am not leaving till I get answers Susanne. You told me that you picked Jenny by an orphanage...if that was it a lawyer is meant to be present and you would have to corporate with them but the way she spoke like you..."
"Like I what? !"
"Like you stole her baby from her!"
Susanne turned to him shocked and angry. "And what if I did? !"
"My God. "
Luke ran his hands through his hair and groaned.
"You could get arrested for kidnapping...what you did was wrong. Utterly wicked and the fact that you brought up her dead daughter...That was like rubbing salt on her wounds. "
Susanne wiped the tears that were on her lashes.
"But you can're a can help."
She held his hand and he pulled it free. "I learnt law in Canada not in Australia and even if I did I wouldn't help you ... Wanna know why? "

Tears rolled down her cheeks and her nose twitched a sign that she was nervous or scared or maybe both.

"Because you lied to me. We promised to tell each other everything, I have never disrespected you or raised my voice at you or made you feel inferior because I love you. "
She held his face. "And I love you too lucas. I love you. "

"Is it so hard to apologize? For once say you're sorry, tell me that you feel remorseful. Tell me ...please. "
He rested his forehead on hers and held the hands on his face.
"I..........." she closed her eyes. "I can't. "

He pulled away from her. "I don't know you anymore. You're not the Susanne that I married twenty years ago. Twenty years Susanne.  Twenty years."
A trail of tear rolled down his cheek and his eyes were red , his nose was red too. He played with the golden band on his finger. Contemplating if to remove it and serve her divorce or not.
He still loved her. He didn't want to be away from her but he couldn't help it.
Where had he gone wrong for him to be punished like this?

He wouldn't stoop to her level so he shook his head and went back into the hospital without looking back once.
That was the last nail that struck her heart which made her break down and sob.

The doctor came back with a smiling face.
"She's been stabled and the blood transfusion was a success "
Aunt Doris hugged her husband.
"Oh thank God. She's okay. "
Jane held her husband's hand tight because hers were shaking and sweaty.
"Can I see her ?"
The doctor smiled sadly at her. "Am sorry but that cannot be possible her mother is allowed to go in first before anyone else,"
Jane forced a smile. "I understand. "
"So where is here mother? "
Jane opened her mouth to say. 
Hey am the one. Am her mother you dimwit!
But Susanne beat her to it.
"Am right here is Jenny out of danger now? "
The doctor nodded. "You can go see her now. "
"Okay Thankyou doc. "
He smiled and took his leave.
Susanne inhaled and turned around. "What are you waiting for ? Don't you want to see your daughter or not? "
"W...what? "
Jane couldn't believe her ears. "I daughter.... Oh Hunter. "
She hugged him for comfort and support then turned to Susanne who stared at the tiled floor. "Thankyou Susanne. "
She smiled.  "It's the least I could do. " but her smile dropped when she saw her husband walking away.
Her eyes stung again and she bit her lips to stop them from dropping. "Let's go? "
Jane nodded. "Yes. "

Jane opened the door gently and entered. 
"She's so beautiful. "
"Yes she is. Will you take...will you take her away from me? "
Jane glanced at Susanne then sighed. "The fact that you allowed me to see her won't change the fact that what you did was wrong. She's not your daughter Susanne. She's mine so she's going with me. "
Susanne sniffled.
"That's not fair Jane she's been with me for over seventeen years. "
"That's because you stole her from me !"
Jane blinked back tears while Susanne sobbed.
"I was doing you a favour. "

Jane looked her in the eye.
"I asked you to help watch her not steal her! "
Susanne covered her mouth to silence her hiccups and strangled cries.

"I asked you to watch over my little girl so that she wouldn't die! I asked you to meet me everyday at that stand! I asked you to help me as a fellow woman! Susanne you were my friend. My best friend! "
Jane cried out unable to hold back anymore.
"I was poor. We were poor! Even though we didn't have the luxury of having 3 square meals like you, we were happy and complete.  You promised to bring her back to me once she was out of danger! But you took her and disappeared without telling me anything although I promised to pay you back you still took her! Susanne! Tell me how is that fair?!"
Susanne sobbed ashamed of her self for what she had done.

"I am sorry for taking Jenny awa.."
"Zoya. Her name is Zoya not Jenny "
"I'm sorry for taking...Zoya away. Its just that my little April had just died and I wanted to forget about it and then you gave me Je..Zoya. Am sorry but I couldn't help it. I just wanted. I just wanted my baby back..."
"It still doesn't justify the fact that you took my daughter from because she is MY daughter!"

"What do you mean am your daughter? "
The two women turned to look at her with red eyes surprised that she had heard.

So that's what the secret is all about.
How do you think jenny...i mean Zoya will react.
Wilk she go with Jane? Or will both of them loose her forever? Next on the final chapter of decision.


#Chelsea #

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