Chapter 7

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The next few days,  Alex drove Jenny to school coming to pick her up after school was over.
Jenny went straight to her locker. She wasn't in the mood for anyone not even Bella. 

"You've been avoiding us. Me to be precise. "
Jenny laughed nervously.  "I am not avoiding you Raen."
"Oh no ? "He rose an eyebrow daring her to difer.
"Look Raen lately I've not been my self. I am usually alone and that's how I want it to be. "
"So what about that inspiring speech you gave us a few days ago about wanting to be our friend?" he queried.

"I changed my mind. "
Jenny locked her locker about to leave when he dragged her.
"What? "
"What do you mean 'what ?' I was talking to you and then you just blow me off. "
"I blew you ?"she narrowed her eyes at him.
"No -um. That's not what I -urgh come on! " he blushed.
He frowned. "Look Jenny. This may sound cliche but I feel overly protective of you. "

Jenny fold he arms she was tired of all this bullshit and it was needlessly to say that it was becoming annoying.
"Me or Zoey? "
He furrowed his brows seeming to ponder on what she said.
Not finding his silence satisfying,Jenny brushed past him.
"That's what I thought."
Frankly the thought of resembling a dead girl was tiring.  No one cared a cent about her because she was her but because she looked like Zoey.
She didn't want to be in the shadow of another person.
Raen said he cared for he and we all know that it was impossible seeing as Jenny had no luck in love.

She took her lumch outside and sat beside a tree enjoying the view.
"Hey. "Bella sat beside her.
"Hey. " she said in a motoned voice.
"Are you angry with me ?"
Jenny frowned. "No am angry at - what happened to your face ?!"
Bella flinched then paled. "Nothing. Am okay. "
"No Bella there is a bruise under your eye. "

"I said am fine Jenny so leave it. " Before she could stand up Jenny grabbed her arm. "Ouch! "
She rubbed it trying to blink away tears.
"Bella let me see it. " Jenny commanded leaving no room for arguments.
Bella sighed defeated and took of her baby pink sweater. "Oh my God! " Jenny gasped.
There were cuts all over her arms and bruises too but the one that really caught jer eyes was the purplish stroke she had mistakenly pressed when she tried to stop her from leaving.
"How come I didn't notice the bruises the day we met on the plane or at school ?"
Bella shocked back a sob.
"They were always there but never on my arms or face.  "
"You mean there's more ?"
Bella just cried.
"He always beats me. Cuts me and I love him too much to report him. "She cried.
"Who is the bastard that did this to you ? Who is he Bella Tell me."
"Mmy father. " she whispered.


After Bella's breakdown, Jenny decided to ditch school and they both went to a cafe where Bella began to explain how it all started. It turns out there was more to her that meets the eye.

"So because he found out you liked girls he tried to change your sexuality by force. " Bella took a sip of her smoothie and nodded.
"How did you even know you were a .... You know. A lesbian? "
"It started one night after a dare which led to me kissing Zoe and I liked it. I wanted to do it again with her. Wanted more than just a kiss," she smiled remembering. "Then I met Layla who meant the world to me that was until we broke up. "

Jenny drank her espresso. "If he only cuts and beats you on places that can be covered then what changed? "
Bella's eyes watered.  "He touched me and when I threatened to report him he slapped me and then he....he....O Jenny I want to die"
Jenny wanted to hit something. Or maybe someone.
She went to Bella's side and held her. "He ra-raped you ?"
Bella nodded. "Why in hell didn't you report him ?"
She pulled away angrily. "Jenny you don't understand- "

"Oh I do. Am going to report him right now! "
Bella looked frightened by what she said. "Bella its for your own good. "
"No Jenny. He's my father. He's all I have left in this wicked world. If I report him who will take care of me and pay my school fees? I can't. I can't do it. "
She sobbed louder. 
"Promise me ! Promise me you won't report him or tell anyone. "
Jenny frowned. "Bella..."
"Please! At least until am eighteen next month. "
Jenny groaned. "Please? "
"Okay but once you clock eighteen am calling the cops on that motherfucker. "
Bella hiccuped. "Thank you. You really are a true friend. "
Bella hugged her fiercely and Jenny hugged her back.

So what did you think of this chapter?
I bet you weren't expecting that !😏👆
Hope you are enjoying the book. 😘😘

#Chelsea #

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