222. How to Deal with a Tsundere Gong

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Translator: Grim Translations

Chapters: 45

Tags: modern, misunderstandings, strong(?) MC, jerk ML


Tsunderes are refreshing at times but having to chase a wife is hell. Abuse the tsundere gong!

Impressions: Taking a rest from MTL so decided to read this one for a quick change of pace~~ 

I've had this for soo long but translator-sama warned of angst and misunderstandings and I usually tend to keep away from those. I prefer fluffy BL~ Anyway, its just a short 45 chaps, I can take it!

So our MC and ML has been together for 7 years wherein MC is treated like air by ML and like a clown by everyone around ML (his friends, parents etc.) Anyway, MC is self-aware that it was him who liked ML so he will bear it..until he can't anymore.  Then he packs up and leave, making a clean break.

Then ML starts chasing him and entangling with him (Grrr...) and there was also ML's white moonlight who keeps showing up and adding to the confusion. MC is tired of it all, he still loves ML, after all, he's loved him for 7 years, but even so, he doesn't want to go back cos he wants to live HIS LIFE now, not revolving around ML but for himself. ML shows up a couple of times, acting pitiful and there are times when MC is shaken, but in the end, he  stood by this decision. 3 years later, they meet again, ML saved MC's life and they decided to get back together again. The End.

I like our MC, I guess this made it more tolerable and helped me finish the novel cos at the start, I just kept thinking 'this is so bitter! bitter! Where's the sugar? Huhuhu...' He's very decisive, when he decided to break up with ML, he acted on it right away, leaving quietly, no ugly crying or shouted arguments. Although he has some self-pity, he didn't paint himself too much as a 'victim', he just kept thinking, 'you wanted this so you can't complain and now, no need to bear it anymore.'. He's also very civil to ML and his friends afterwards. And he really wanted a fresh start, moving in a new city, getting a new job, learning new skills, making new friends. It's like he's finally living for himself now. 

In contrast, I hate the ML, he says he loves MC but 7 years, they never celebrated MC's birthday together that MC even thought he didn't know his birthday.  He never stopped his friends from treating MC as a joke, he never told MC that he liked him. From their brief conversations, I didn't see 'tsundereness' from him AT ALL, it was more like he was very dismissive of MC, taking him for granted that he'll always be there, no need to care for him. When he came crawling back, I was on the same opinion as MC, its not love, it's just habit. 

So I'm very glad that MC stood firm with his decision, #spoiler they ALMOST got back together, but when ML confessed that he's always liked MC on the 7 years they were together, it was like a wake-up call. MC can hold on for 7 years cos he thought, maybe, eventually. ML would fall for him, but if that was ML's so called 'like', hehe...  Although in the end, they still got back together, but it was a 'hero saves the beauty' moment after all, and MAAAYYYBBEEE ML's changed for the better after 3 years so let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Lol. If there was an Extra with ML POV, maybe it would've helped make me like him more, since there isn't, I'm on MC's side from beginning to end XD XD XD

Like I said, I'm more of a fluffy gal, this is not that angsty or heavy. but it's very bitter for me, MC's optimist and calm(?) POV helped a lot to endure it, it also made me happy seeing ML be abused~~ For something similar, you can try Reborn As The Villain President's Lover, also bittersweet but has lots and lots of fluffy moments. The MC there is also very decisive when the time came to 'end their contract'. There's also the Extras of Transmigrated into the Film Emperor's Death-Seeking Fiance, the side CP shou is ruthless! He's a fun character in the main text so I didn't expect his character to actually be like that in the Extrras (but I love it! ♥)

Try this if you like misunderstandings and abusing the gong~~

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