205. Back to the Countryside

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Translator: Little Yen

Chapters: 96 + 2 Extras

Title: 归隐乡野

Tags: countryside, gong MC, weak shou, farming


Qi Yue tired of the Jiang Hu disputes, chose the beautiful "ancient water village" seclusion, and met someone he want to love for the rest of his life...

Impressions:Done with this. It's not super awesome for me. Just so-so. Mainly because I didn't see so much PEACEFUL rural life.

Okay. So​​ our MC is from jianghu (not reborn or transmigrated) After fulfilling his great revenge, he decided to live in a quiet remote village. He meets our shou, which is abused by his family. MC marries him. Shou's relatives would trouble them from time to time. Shou makes new friends, makes side CPs. MC's brothers in jianghu find out where he lived and MC goes back to Medicine Valley with them cos something happened to their Master. After it was resolved, they go back to the village. Extras is side CP getting married and shou giving birth.

I like the MC. He seems to be always smiling but his means are extremely cruel when he revenges ^_^ Just that it took so long to pack up shou's relatives. I'm not really a fan of cliches like death-seeking disgusting relatives in Chinese novels. MC also pardons them so many times before revenging for good.

On our shou, he's soft-hearted, I feel like there were so many troubles he could've avoided if he just refused to open the door. Their life in the village really can't be considered as PEACEFUL. Then the trouble with the jianghu came and then the story ends after its resolved. So I feel like I didn't get enough lovey-dovey husband and wife life. Lol. MC didn't get to live the leisurely rural life he went into seclusion for.

The fluff is there, but not enough (at least for me). But if you like faceslapping novels, you might like to check this out. Our MC always faceslaps them for his shou ^_^ Try this if you like ancient times along with some jianghu elements. 

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