
I landed with a wrong foot and twisted my left making me sit on the ground.


A hand was offered to me and as I raised my head, my heart started to stop beating.

Ruby Jane was smiling at me and I think I'm about to faint.

She's wearing her cheerleader's uniform and I almost drooled at the sight of her thighs.

Fuck Manoban, don't be a pervert!

"My offer will expire in 5 seconds" she says and I immediately reached for her hand.

She chuckled and pulled me to stand.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I scratch the back of my neck.

"Why were you climbing the fence Lili?" she asked and my heart skipped a beat.

She started calling me Lili ever since I called her Nini. And every time she does, my heart starts to hammer out of my chest

"Because I was uhm - "

"Say it or I'll leave you here"

She warns but her beauty sent me to another dimension and I lost the words that I was about to say.

"Tsk" she was about to walk away when I grabbed her wrist and made her look at me.

"Because I wanted to see you, Nini"

"Yo Manoban, stop daydreaming you idiot" I was pulled away from my thoughts as a hand slapped me lightly on the cheek.


"Sorry" she chuckled.

"Now let's go hunt for our food before Seulgi's girlfriend goes berserk"

"I agree" I laughed and nodded my head at Byul.

We were walking along the forest with our guns and rifles in our hand. We stayed quiet as we could because we were outside Seulgi's cabin house which only means one thing -

Zombies can be here too.

"So, how are we supposed to hunt our food?" Byul asked.

Jisoo walked ahead of us and scanned the whole surroundings.

"Easy" she begins as she walks towards to the left side.

"Wid boars love one thing - "

She started to walk and we trailed behind her.

"Water" she mumbles as we all saw a stream.

"We just have to stay close to the water" she explained as we all nodded our heads like idiots.

As we start to walk along the stream, we failed to realize that we are actually getting farther from the cabin house.

"How did you know about this stuff?" I asked Chu as I walk beside her while Byul and Seulgi was walking in front of us.

"Hog hunting is a thing in the US so I kind of know a few things" she explains.

"So tell me, why did you left Chipmunk?" I asked and she coughed.

"It's okay, I know you have your reasons but if you hurt her again, I will make sure to slit your throat do you hear me?"

"You don't need to. I'll be the first one to slit my throat when that happens" she mumbles.

"I was just joking Chu, chill"

She chuckled for a second but glanced at me with a stern look.

"But I'm serious, I don't want to hurt her ever again" she said and I nodded my head.

"Then don't" I said.

"Guys..." Seulgi stopped dead on her tracks and so did we.

"Look, our food showed up" Byul whispers as she points at the wild boar in the stream.

"Hide you three idiots" Jisoo instructs but we were too late, the wild boar saw us and started to run away.


"Oh no!"

"Our food is running away!"

"Stop chasing it idiots!" We all looked at Jisoo with furrowed brows.

"But it's going to get away" Byul pouts.

"And if we chase it, it will only run"

"So what are we supposed to do?" Seulgi asked.

"Just let it go for now, we can track it again"

"How?" I asked and she pointed something at the ground.

"Just follow the tracks" she said and we all got amazed by how brainy this nerd is.

"Thank God we got a nerd or we will never catch that fucking boar" Seulgi laughed and we all started to laugh too.

As we followed the tracks left by the boar, we made sure that this time, we will keep our distance.

"There" Jisoo whispers and we all hid behind a tree.

"Who's going to shoot?" Jisoo asked.

"Let me" Seulgi volunteered but I objected.

"No, I'll do it. Your eyes are too small, you might miss it and waste a bullet"

"Excuse me Manoban! I'm a sharp shooter"

"No I'm a better shooter"

As we both continue to argue, we suddenly heard a gunshot and we all snapped our heads to the right.

"What? You guys are just wasting time" Byul shrugs her shoulder as she rests her rifle back to her side.

We all started to walk towards the wild boar and tied the legs. Byul aimed for the head and killed it in one shot, I'm impressed.

"So how are we going to carry this?"

"We don't have to. Just tie a rope and drag it" Jisoo says and we did what was told.

"I can't wait to eat meat tonight!" Byul grinned as the four of us dragged the wild boar.

"I know!"

"My babe is going to be proud of me"

"Chae's gonna be happy for sure"

"Now let's get this boar back to the cabin house"

We were happily walking back to the cabin house when we all stopped dead on our tracks.


"How did they get here?!"

* * * * *


Double update for you all.


Anyway, hope you are still enjoying the story.


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