Oh man.

"Wha... why me?" Mikhail was flabbergasted and Chen was outrightly laughing at us. Placing a hand on my shoulders, Eli shakes his head and whispers in my ear " Hyung's father is scary". Yeah, you can keep saying that.

"Alright Kimmy, time to go home. You've had few drinks tonight. Kids, we'll take your leave first. Nene?" Omma pulls Appa out of his chair as Chen answers "Don't worry aunty, I'll drop Nene at the hotel" he smiles and she pats his cheeks. Bidding us farewell they leave. Eli and Mei were the next ones to leave and soon we bid our goodbyes to Mikhail, Chen and Nene with a plan to catch up soon before she leaves South Korea.

Walking back to where my bike is parked, I first mount it and Zhan Ge soon joins me. Words weren't required between us. We knew what is coming next and each second that brings us closer to my condo, my heart was pounding with anticipation. His hands slowly creep into my tshirt and my eyes widen as his nails rake through my abs. Gasping inwardly, biting my lips from moaning, I throttle my speed uncaring for being stopped by the traffic cop. I needed him right now.

Finally on reaching the destination we quickly dismount the bike, threading my fingers with him, I pull him up to my condo with all the impatience within me. My fingers were numb as they unlock the front door and before stepping in, Zhan Ge pulls me roughly to his body and questions with a coarse voice "Tell me you're ready for this Bo Di? Tell me that once we step in there is no turning back? You're not a fling for me and you know that?"

I smile at his concern and kiss his lips "I know. I live you." He grins against my lips on hearing my answer.

"Zhan Ge"


"Don't hold back. I am ready" with a twist of the knob, I pull him inside and attack his mouth by pushing him against the wall. His kiss is equally aggressive as he nips my lips and sucks my neck. He's marking me. It does not matter. I am his to be marked forever.

Pushing my jacket away he commands "Take me to your bedroom but before that can you pick up the bag that's fallen on the ground?" I look around to see a brown bag next to the door. Locking the main entrance door, I pick up the bag and guide Zhan Ge to my bedroom.

"What's this?" I enquire and Zhan Ge shrugs "No idea. While we were leaving Mikhail handed that bag and said it would be helpful and we'll be thanking him later."

Huh? I open the bag and my eyes widen. Shit!

"What is it?" Zhan Ge enquires as he calmly unties his shoes.

"Um..." I trail off but then continue "various kinds of protection, lubes and a cream."

"Cream?" He smiles and I nod reading the instructions and my cheeks reddens "Um, it says the aloe vera cream has to be applied after the act to lessen the pain or any abrasions."


"What kind of protections do we have?" He casually enquires and I look into the bag. What the...

"Um, Zhan Ge" I bite my lips "there are various kinds".

"What do you want me to use?" He is now lying against my bed casually whilst I was standing in my room all dumbfound "Er, I don't know. Anything would be great for me" my cheeks were hot and I realised he is enjoying this conversation.

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