12 | What, Should I Do?

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"Get in there! All of you mean nothing now!" One of them said.

We were all pushed down in that big endless pit. Some of the Pokemon were afraid, and didn't had the guts to go down there. However, the Pokemon that were hypnosis and controlled by Giratina just threw us down there.



Some of the young pokemon shouted out loud, and closed their eyes. All of us were falling down at high speed, and our heart are pounding like crazy.

After a while, we finally saw the ground. But in the middle was full of spikes, deadly spikes. For legendary pokemon like us we could just crush it to pieces, but the normal pokemon could be killed.

I quickly used pysic on some Pokemon, and the others took me as an example and used pysic too.

Just in time. All of the them are unharmed, only some were just scared from what happened.

No, not the fall, but....... Arceus.


"Since that Arceus is the one that banished me, than if I destroyed her, than it means, that law is gone too, right?"

Giratina said right after I interrupt him. My whole body trembled, and I can feel my soul is flying away from me.

No. No, he can't mean that! Arceus is his mother! Did he forget that Arceus is the one that created him? Arceus is the one that took care of him when he is still small?

Wait. Wait. I need to calm down..... Calm down. He can't kill Arceus, Arceus is the strongest, The Creator of All Livings.

"You can't take Arceus life away, Arceus created all of us!" I shouted toward Giratina. But he reacted far from I expected.

"Hahahahaha! I am no fool! One can't kill Arceus, but all can. Soldiers, you know what to do." He ordered the Pokemon that he controlled.

Right after what he said, his "Soldiers" strengthen their pysic, and made us use our signature move. Giratina controlled Hoopa Unbound, making it's ring in front of us.

"Roar of Time!"

"Special Rend!"said Palkia.

"Aero Blast!"said Lugia.

"Sacred Fire!"said Ho-oh.

All of the other Pokemon too used their signature move. However, their moves went into the rings, and our energy is gone too.

All of the rings than went in front of Arceus. Giratina fled around Arceus, giving an evil look to her. I tried to stop Giratina from doing anything, but I was controlled, and my energy is gone.

"Any last words?"

"No, do what you want. But let me tell you, you won't win. Justice will be served!" Arceus said.

"Oh Arceus..... Innocent Arceus..... You are going to die soon, yet still so brave." Giratina said while get back to his original position.

"Now, unleash the ultimate power!"

The rings shot out the power that was absorbed earlier. It looks magnificent, yet deadly. But the worst part is, it's heading towards Arceus.

I look at her, thousand of memories went flashed through my head. Arceus however didn't looked scared, and smiled at me.

A bright light shone, and when it does down, only ashes were seen. Arceus's ashes.......

~Flashback End~

"It's all your fault!" Remembering what happened earlier made my heart full of rage.

I smashed Palkia against the wall, with fury eyes. I than used Draco Meteor at him when he stood up. I didn't let him have a chance to rest.

"Dialga, stop!" Cresselia shouted at me. But I didn't listen to her, and keep on attacking.

"Arceus dead is because of you! Everything happened because of you!" I shouted at Palkia.

I threw him up and used Hyper Beam at him. He fell down with great impact. Blood started to come out from his mouth, but it mean nothing to me.

I was about to use Giga Impact at Palkia once again but this time he attacked back. Our moves clashed and created a big explosion.

"Enough!" He shouted.

"Yes, I kidnapped Cresselia, because I am jealous of you! I am jealous because you get every single thing, and I got nothing!"

"But how am I related to Arceus dead? Why is everything related to me?" He threw a Gyro Ball at the wall and shook the ground.

All the other Pokemon were scared to see our battle. The one that were scared before are now crying loudly. According to legend, our battle could destroy a whole multiverse, or something much more worse than this.

I sat down at a corner with Cresselia beside me, while Palkia at the other corner. I started to think about what Palkia said.

Yes, I kidnapped Cresselia, because I am jealous of you! I am jealous because you get every single thing, and I got nothing!"

"But how am I related to Arceus dead? Why is everything related to me?

It isn't his fault..... It's just me talking without thinking..... I look at him at the other end. He is lying down resting, eyes closed. He is innocent, the only problem is jealousy took over him.


"Here. Over here, my son."

I heard a voice. I look around but no one was there. I didn't give up though. I followed the sound of the voice, and slowly a shape appeared in front of me.

Its body color is white with a gray, vertically-striated underside, the pattern of which has similar recurrences on the underside of it's mane, tail, and face, and it's pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves.

The thing that attracted me the most, is it also has a golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen.

Isn't that...... Arceus?

One thought of that and I quickly went toward it with my maximum speed. And it didn't let me down. There she is, Arceus.

"Mother....." I quickly kneel down, and tears went down from my eyes. I thought that she was dead, but she isn't.

"There isn't a need for all this. Stand up my son."said Arceus with a gentle tone.

I quickly stood up, and wipe off the tears in my eyes.

"I thought that you are dead..... But yo-"

"I am dead." The last word took my heart away. My hope was higher than the world, but it fell down to pieces.

"I am dead, and nothing can change that.

But the reason I am here, isn't because I wanted to change my destiny, but to tell you something.

Deep down in your heart, you know that Palkia isn't responsible for my death. Yes, he kidnapped Cresselia, but he shouldn't take responsibility for something that he didn't do.

Listen to me, don't destroy your relationship with Palkia, and stop the action of Giratina."

Right after that, Arceus started to disappear, and the ground became a black hole. I fell down into an unknown place, but my head is only thinking of one thing.

What, Should I do?

The Battle Of Gods {Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin