02 | Jealousy Taking Over

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It's been a week since that present situation happened. It's just a present but it's kind of embarrassing for the both of us. Cresselia had been dodging me for a few days, and I had been dodging her to.

I thought of telling someone about this, but Arceus is busy settling some problems with the other legendary Pokemon, and Palkia......

Well, since he also like Cresselia I don't think this will be a good idea. I been wondering who should I talk with, or maybe just keep it a secret.

I just kept thinking and thinking, until I bumped into someone. That's when I found out it's Palkia.

I thought that maybe I should tell him what happened, but as I said, this could hurt him.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened with you and Cresselia?"(Palkia)


"DO YOU WANT T-"(Palkia)

"No, I know what you said but..... How did you know that?"(Dialga)

"Don't you know that I can read minds?"(Palkia)


Read minds? I didn't know that he can do that. Well, maybe that's what you get when you are born out 10 years late.

I hesitated for a few moments, thinking what should I do.

If I said Yes, than it could hurt Palkia.

But if I said No, this thing would disturb me for the rest of my life!

Finally, I decided to tell him. He looks prepared when he asked me that question. Besides, he's me brother. What could he do to me?

~Palkia's~ Half and Hour ago~
~Flashback~One Week Ago~

When Cresselia came I started to freak out, I tried to act normal but it's impossible.

But she didn't even greet me. However, she only greeted Dialga and put her full attention at him. That kind of hurt my heart, but I didn't take it seriously.

After talking for a few moments they walked away and forgotten about me. I was curious and wandering what they were going to do, so I followed them.

I saw that they were talking and Cresselia gave Dialga something. But when I heard what it was, I was furious. Giving Dialga a power stone means that she wanted Dialga to take over the throne!

But why? Why couldn't it be me! I.... I will take my revenge.

~Flashback Ends~


I shoved all of my things away. I am angry! It's been one week since that incidents, and both of them still acted like nothing happened between them.

You think that I don't know anything?
You think that I am a dummy?
You think that I am someone that doesn't have any feelings?

I will make them regret. And just right then, I got a plan.


After telling Palkia what happened, I felt a sigh of relief. But just to make sure, I asked Palkia another time.

"Are you sure you are ok?"(Dialga)

"Yes, I am fine."(Palkia)

"Alright. I will get going. See you later."(Dialga)

I walked away with a happy tune. I thought that everything will be alright now. But the worse haven't even begun.

~Time Skip~

I opened my eyes, seeing myself in a war zone. I looked around trying to find my family and friends. Just when I saw Arceus and came to her, something felt weird. I touched her but my hands just went through Arceus like nothing.

That's the moment I was scared. Than, I saw a big, long scary half ghost half Pokemon appeared. It didn't looked at the other "Pokemon" But instead, it looks like it concentrated at me.

It flew around me and just keep saying,

"I am coming......."(Unknown)

I am coming? What does that mean? I was confused. Just when I was going to ask that Pokemon, it shot a Hyper Beam at me.

That's when I woke up..... It's just a dream. However, I had a weird feeling about this, like it's going to happen anytime.

I decided to find my cousin Darkrai since he specialize in nightmares. When I told him what happened he look inside my brains.

His face turned from calm to scared, and more scared, but than turned to sadness and rage.

When he finally opened his eyes, he stay silent. Finally, he said,

"When the time comes you will know what to do."(Darkrai)

~Time Skip~

I was going back to my dimension when I was called to a meeting. But this time is only for me, Palkia, Arceus and the other types representations.

I went to the Hall of Justice. When I reached there, I saw sad, angry faces around the room. I have a bad feeling about this.

When Arceus finally came, all the types representations started telling and shouting towards Arceus for the sudden retirement a few days back.

But Arceus didn't say a word, same with me and Palkia. When they finally settle down, only then Arceus started talking.

"One of my two sons will takeover my place. Both of them are equally strong and well trained. To be fair, there will be two test. One is the test of knowledge and one is the test of strength."(Arceus)

Some of the Pokemon continued protest but it didn't last long.

"The first test will be held next week. That's all for today. Dismiss."

Arceus walk away from the meeting room, while I looked at Palkia. Are we, really going to fight?


I always wished to have a time where I can rest in peace and quiet. My son's had all grown up, and it is time for me to pass down the throne.

Yes, a lot of them will complain, but I had been a leader for ten generation, it is time for me to let it go.



Dialga slowly came to me. He looked at me, and through his eyes I can see that he is scared.

"Arceus, must we really fight?"(Dialga)

"My son, do you remember what I told you?"(Arceus)

"Be strong?"(Dialga)

"Yes. You must be strong, and never, ever give up in yourself. Try to improve your weakness. But if you can't, than improve what you are strong at."(Arceus)

"Thank you Arceus. I will try my best."(Dialga)

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