10 | From A Brother To Enemy

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~Third Person's~

The two competitors, Dialga and Palkia, are fighting each other on the battlefield.

From what the audience expected was Palkia easily defeating Dialga as He is more strong and Dialga is more on studies.

However, things weren't turning out well for Palkia.

For some reason, Dialga was stronger than Palkia. All of the leaders and judges was discussing as this isn't what they used to see.

'What happened to Dialga? If this continues I will lose for sure...'(Palkia)

After a few more moments, the fight came to a break. Both competitors rest at each other corners. One is thinking hard, almost wrecking his brain.

While the another, was in rage and fury. His anger didn't stopped for a single moment, for some reason.

'What if..... He uses the Power Stone? Yes, that makes sense for everything that is happening now.'(Palkia)

Palkia whispered something to the assistant, and right after that the assistant dash towards the judges.

After a few moments of talking and discussing, they made an announcement.

We have an announcement here. Due to the power of Dialga that is too much than before, we think that he is cheating by using a power stone to upgrade his ability.

So, the battle will be hold on while the security checked Dialga.

If seeing closely you can see that Palkia is smirking happily. Dialga was being checked by all of the securities, but even after a long time, the search wasn't finished.


It is very obvious that they wouldn't give up. Even after checking five times with no results of any cheating or using power stones, they still continue this search.

The judges may said that they are suspicious, but what they actually mean is that I AM cheating, without proof.

What they didn't know, the cause of my power increased, is not because of any power stone, but the anger inside of me.

~Time Skip~


"What is taking so long?"(Audience)

"Just get over with it already!"(Audience)

The audience had been fed up as it already went by half an hour but the judges still wouldn't give up.

For a few times I looked at Palkia, and he is just chuckling there, but when he saw me, he immediately look down.

Arceus, well was looking at me. Even do I didn't look at her but I can sense that she is half suspicious half trust me.

I am very sorry for the delay, but until now we still can't find any evidence. Please b-

"Think? You think that I may use a power stone? If it is just a thought than you would stop by now!"(Dialga)

After what I said all the audience start to discuss with one another. Looks like my words make sense.

"You want to know what makes me stronger? Let me tell you, it isn't any power stone, but anger!"(Dialga)

Right after that I immediately shot a Hyper Beam at Arceus direction. All the Pokemon were shock but they didn't have enough time to block the Hyper Beam.

Smoke cover the scene, but the first thing that came into their mind, is that I just killed my mother.

"Are you crazy?! Guards arrest him!"(Rayquaza)

"Yea, you just killed your own mother!"(Lugia)

All the audience and pokemon started shouted at me and attacking me. But I just simply dodged it while waiting for the smoke to be gone.

The guards tied me up, and was very careful of me. They prepared their powers just in case I attacked. But I wasn't scared. Because like my mother always said,

"There isn't a need to be scared when you are doing something good."


Palkia looked at me with angry eyes. If I weren't angry myself I think I will be scared.

"You traitor!"(Palkia)

Palkia put his hands at my neck, trying to choke me. But I can feel that he is just doing this for show, because he is just putting his hands there, not using any strength.

"Don't worry Arceus. I will help you get revenge! I, Palkia, Lord of Space, second son of Arceus, will take over the throne."(Palkia)

"My mother..... Is death. And since that my brother had killed my mother, he is sentenced to death. And I will take over the thr-"(Palkia)

"Not so fast."(Dialga)

Now that the smoke is all gone, only than they could see the truth. What is right there, isn't a death body of Arceus, but Cresselia.

After hitting the protection of the mirror with my Hyper Beam, they now can see Cresselia at the other dimension, of course the trio too.

They were surprised and scared to know that now we can see them. Without a single moment to waste I than tell them what really happened. Everyone was surprised, especially Arceus.


"And behind all of this, is Palkia."(Dialga)

I looked at my son, Palkia with angry eyes. The trio and Cresselia were brought back to this dimension and were brought for questionnaire.

"Palkia, my son......"(Arceus)

I slowly walk towards him, and he was scared. But that doesn't take away my anger. I slapped him right away in front of everyone.

"How dare you! This is way past our law, and kidnapping Cresselia? How can you act just like your brother Giratina?"(Arceus)

But I guess I said something wrong. Because when I just said the word "Giratina", it directly brought up everyone attention.

"Giratina? I am nothing like him! I am doing this because I am fed up of you guys just care about Dialga, and nothing about me!"(Palkia)

I wasn't going to give any chance to him, and fought back with him. And slowly it became a battle.

However, things just got worse. After I attacked Palkia back with a Hyper Beam, the floor slowly begun to rumble.

Cracks were seen on the battlefield, and a Pokemon came out right after the explosion.

It is a giant, dragon-like Pokemon, with an appearance similar to that of a large sauropod. It has 6 legs, gold protrusions that look like external ribs, and golden horns on its head. Its neck has five red stripes and 4 black stripes.

Everyone looked at it with a frightened look.


Sorry guys, this chapter isn't really good. I was in a rush and still got some assignments to do. I will do better next week.

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