04 | Towards With Bravery

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I wasn't able to sleep these few days. After seeing Dialga's dream, i started to have that nightmare too....

Dialga's dream, it really is a nightmare. I can still remember that Pokemon from the dream.

It looks familiar. And I have seen it before. Wait, can it be? No, it can't be him!


"Haha! Look at him!"(Bullies)

"Yeah, such a coward!"(Bullies)

"God of Nightmare? More like God of coward!"(Bullies)

This, this is normal. My parents are gone when I am borned. I was sent to the orphan house, and since I was ugly, weird looking, being bullied is a normal thing.

But, one day. Something happened. One of them was about to kicked me. I waited, and waited, but nothing hitted me.

However, I heard them fighting.

"Hey, what's the problem?"(Bullies)

"You are the problem! Why are you bullying him!"(Unknown)

"That's none of your business, idiot!"(Bullies)

And because of the word idiot, they started fighting. But I didn't budged at all. I just kept my head low all the time.

After a few moments, the bullies ran away as the other guy had overpowered them.

"Hey are you ok?"(Unknown)

I looked up and saw a face. He gave me a warm smile, and made my heart warm inside. I started feeling, happy.

"My name is Giratina. What's yours?"(Giratina)


Do you wanna go and play with me? It's fun.

Fun? I hesitated. I haven't had fun for a long time. Why not give it a try.


We had fun. We played whole day, games such as tik tak toe, hide and seek, freeze tag. I haven't had this type of feeling for,years!

After a few hours, he went home. But after a few days, he came back. And again, and again.

We were close friend, can say as the best of friends. Turns out, he is just like me. We are each other's only friend.

But one day, he asked me a question that I never thought he will ask. That day we were playing freeze tag, and as always he needed to go home.

But that day he didn't go back home directly. He talked to his mother/ father while looking and pointing at me.

I didn't know what happened, but after a few moments he came to me and asked me question.

"Do you want to come back home and stay with me?"(Giratina)

I was shocked. But I didn't wait any longer and immediately agreed. And after a few months, I became a part of his family. And I am proud and wasn't scared anymore.

~Flashback End~

Ahh, good times. We were having fun every single day. We went to family gatherings together, hang out together, we fight together side by side.

But one day, Arceus's, Giratina mother made a big announcement that changed our world. They planned to stop attacking other worlds and live peacefully.

But Giratina didn't agree. He said that we are the best, and should be the one to conquer the worlds.

But no matter what he said, Arceus won't budge.

One day when I was coming back to school, I couldn't find Giratina. I went to find Arceus, but before I went into her room, I heard her saying that Giratina went to war alone and fight a universe, with no troops at all.

I was scared. He can't fight a whole universe by himself, he will be death. I tried to find him, but I couldn't. I could only pray for him, and hope that he survive.

After 5 years, He came back. And Dialga, the Lord of time, was just born few years ago.

I was so happy to see him. But Arceus and the elders wasn't. They had a big fight, and Arceus banished him at the Reverse World.

I fought with Arceus for a long time, trying to get Giratina out. But one day, I finally get back to my senses.

In this 5 years, Giratina had destroy a whole universe, killing everyone at there. I was so foolish that I only thought of the present and not the past.

But, that's when I realize how strong he is. If he can destroy a whole universe, and after a long time meditating in the Reverse World. He could be capable of killing us all.

What if, Dialga's nightmare isn't a dream, but a sight in the future.


Hello everybody! Welcome to the  Combat Of Kings! Today we have our two competitors, Dialga, The Lord of Time, and Palkia as the Lord of Space!

Today, is the test of knowledge. For the first part we will have an examination to test their knowledge. Everyone, please welcome them to a round of applause!

I walk to the stadium, where there were thousands of Pokemon looking at me and Palkia.

I had done a lot of readings for this day. And it is not going to be wasted. Even do the stadium is big but there were only two tables and a wall in the middle to prevent us from cheating.

The time is limited to one hour. Luckily, I am good at my grades, so this won't be a problem at all.

But, I am scared. Not because of the exam, not because of Palkia. But Cresselia. I wasn't sure where is she, and how is she?

What if she..... No, she won't. She is stronger than Uncle Kyorge, no one can defeat her that easily.

~Time Skip

And the time has ended! Two of our competitors, please put down your pencils!

While the judges are marking their papers, audience and the competitors can head to the refreshment center to have a break.

"Hey, Palkia. How did the exam go?"(Dialga)

Palkia looked at me for a while and just answer my question with "Good."

I didn't care took it seriously though. When I head out of the stadium, a bunch of reporters ran to me and asked me thousands of question.

However, I just stood there and didn't say a word. My head was only thinking about Cresselia. Where, where is she?

The Battle Of Gods {Completed}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें