05 | The Skill's Course

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After the refreshment break me and Palkia went back to the stadium. The judges, which are Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyorge, just finished the discussion and counted all of the marks.

Hello everyone! After a long discussion, we had count the contestant marks. Palkia, The Lord Of Space get......876 mark out of 1000 marks!

While Dialga, The Lord Of Time, get 900 marks! So, obviously the winner of this round is Dialga.

After knowing our marks, I didn't even felt a little bit of happiness. I was still worried about Cresselia.

However, things seems to be getting worse. I looked at Palkia, and he looked back at me. In his eyes and aura I can sense a slight of rage and angry.

I quickly tried to make him feel better but nothing came into my mind. I was worried, twice as much as before. That's when the announcer started talking again and he saved me.

Now now everyone,there isn't a need to be sad. Because there is a second round, the Skill's Course! Now get ready everyone, because it is starting right now!

The Skill's Course is actually just like a parkour in the Earthland. Through this parkour you can only use your skills and strength. So this will test how smart you are to go through this course.

In the middle of the contestant will be a wall blocking them, to prevent the contestants to copy each other, or can say as cheat.

Of course, no magic or power can be used. If one of the contestant is caught doing, than he will be disqualified. However, the other contestant still must complete the course.


After hearing all of the rules we both get into our position. Just right than, the ground began to shake, while a big hole appeared right in front of me and Dialga.

Slowly, the parkour began to rise, and what lies in front of me is The Skill's Course.

I don't really have any skills, but strength, they are in me. I looked at Dialga, and he looked worried.

I smirked. You, Dialga are going to lose. I am going to show everyone who is the one true king, and you are nothing.

And that is when Cresselia will see me defeating Dialga right in front of her, and she will come right to me......

All contestant ready? The course start in 3, 2, 1. And go!

Me and Dialga both ran as quick as we can. I was so confident that I will win, until I saw what is in front of me.

It's just an open sea, and the path continues at the end of it. Beside it shows a signboard, and it wrote that there is an invisible pathway on it, and we need to think of a way to go over the sea.


I looked at the signboard, and started to think, and think, and think. I looked around to look for any clues.

Than, I saw some part of the floor has a hole, I touched it. But it didn't get through the hole, however it looks like some type of liquid.

That's when I realize that it is invisible paint! Hmmm, invisible paint.... Invisible.

That's when I have a thought, the pathway should be painted with invisible paint, that's why it's invisible.

I looked at the open sea, I carried up my front legs, and


I smashed it on the open sea. The water "flew" up through my help, and just as I thought, it washed away all the paint and right in front of me is a pathway.

I ran, with the audience cheers right behind me. I felt confident, and I starting to think that I can win this.

Than, a big fan suddenly appeared before me and is swinging like crazy. I can't run through it, or I will be seriously injured. Only an idiot will do that.


After a long time, I finally get to the other side. I needed to walk like a blind Pokemon, using my hand to feel where is the pathway.

I ran forward, and a big fan that was swinging crazily appeared right in front of me. I didn't think much and ran through it, but I ended up seriously injured. And the parademic needed to come and help me. That, was the worst moment of my life.


I looked around, and I starting to think about it's structure. This parkour is similar as Earthland's. And through my readings normally Earthland's fan source is electricity or wind.

Since there isn't any wind here than it should be electricity. I looked around and found a so called wire. I cut through it and the big fan that was swinging crazily seconds ago is now as still as a statue. I ran through it and it break easily now that it isn't moving anymore.

I continued running, and I started to wonder how Palkia is doing.


After a few more time running towards it, and being treated by the parademic a few more times too, it finally broke.

The next level is in a forest, full of "trees" that doesn't have leafs. And in front of me is a rushing river. Put out one feet in and you will be pulled away to who knows where.

I was having a lot of trouble here, and I wasn't liking it. Well, at least I am better than Dialga.


I took a few of the bamboo and tied it together to make a stick. This plants has elasticity, and through that I out it in front of me and started running. When I almost reached the river I put the stick down and it brought me up and I reached at the other side.

Since this is a parkour that is like Earthland, I used all of my Earthland knowledge to get through all of the levels.

A few moments ago I found out that the plants beside me is a plant that is called a bamboo, and it has great elasticity.

I remembered a sport at there that's called Pole Vault. And since the plants around here have good elasticity I followed it. And guess what, I did it.

~Time Skip~

After going through a few more levels, I finally ran through the finish line. But what was surprising is that I needed to wait half an hour for Palkia to reach the finish line.

And I can make sure of three things:

1. Palkia really need to go to a hospital cause he looks like just being ran through by a million of cars.

2. I just won the both parts of the Knowledge test, and obviously I won this round.

3. I really need to calm Palkia right now because he is going to be crazy after going all through that and didn't won. He is kind of sensitive when it comes to competition.

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