3. Easier Said Than Done

Start from the beginning

I stood up. "What do you want?" I growled.

Sheryl who was leaning on the book shelf instantly walked towards me she eyed me from top to bottom. "New style huh? suits you well," she said sarcastically. She stopped right before me, and pull my tie roughly until our faces were inches away. "Tell me, what's your secret?"

"For your information senpai, what I'm wearing is none of your business."

She clicked her tongue and released my tie. "You can study here because of a scholarship. You should thank us, if no one donated funds, there's no way this school can give you a scholarship. Which make you impossible to be here."

"That is why, we hope that the scholarship recipients will be able to maintain a good reputation and also the image of this school. So we know that our parents do not waste money for nothing. And what you did really tarnished this school's honor. I know your background, Alessandra. There's no way you could afford what's currently clinging to your body. You should've dressed properly," she spat cynically. Her emerald iris glanced my whole appearance with contempt.

"I don't want my father to waste money on a student who is willing to be a teacher's mistress in order to get stuffs that she can't afford."


Please hang in there, okay?

I hope you don't heed them too.

Huh. Easier said than done.

I knew the consequences if I refute Sheryl and her minions. This could only make my situation worse, meanwhile they wouldn't receive any consequences at all. This world really for certain people. This world does favor only some certain of people.

But I'm done taking shit from others.

I chuckled ironically. They all stared at me quizzically. I took a deep breath.

"Am I the one who can't afford it, or are you the one who can't afford it?"

She pushed me with both hands, causing me to stagger backwards. Before I could stabilize myself, she slapped me. It was so hard that it caused my lips to bleed and stained the expensive jacket I was wearing. How much would it cost to clean this?

What's done is done.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. She launched her hand to slap me again, but I caught her hand and twisted it, then I pushed her down. I leaned over and pulled her collar roughly.

"Listen, senior. All those fucking rumors aren't true and we both know that. And I know very well that you bitches started the damn rumors like this. If you don't stop the rumors—"

"Stop, Alessandra!"

Mrs. Sumi, the library staff stood behind us both.

I immediately let go of my two hands, and straightened my back. Mrs. Sumi approached us and helped Sheryl stand up. "Mrs. Sumi, she hurt me," Sheryl pointed at me and put on a pitiful face. Basic clown.

"I don't want any ruckus in this library, you all better get out."

"But, she was the first one to—" she still tried hard to object but denied.

"Out. Now!"

I immediately put the drawing book into my bag and got out. I went to the bathroom to clean the blood stain on my chin. My drawing mood is gone. I want to just sleep at home.

Before I reached the gate, a car horned from behind. The car came to halt beside me. Without looking inside, I already knew who the owner is. I ignored it and just walked away. I heard its door opened then closed. A minute latter, a hand grip my shoulder. "Get in, Alessandra. I'm taking you home."

"Thanks, but I'm good. But don't bother, I can go home by myself."

"I already told you no need to worry such trivial things."

I shook my head. "It's fine, Lio. You don't have to—"

"Get in. Now." he demanded. I can hear the aggravation in his voice. What's going on?


The trip was very quiet. Nobody spoke between us. I tried to peek at him many times.

"Lio, this isn't the way to my home," panic raised in me. Lately there has been a lot of news about children abducted for their organs or being forced into drug trafficking.

"Relax, Alessandra. I have no intention to kidnap you. I just want to introduce you to somebody."


"You'll see."

We arrived at a European-style restaurant. The ceiling is filled with renaissance paintings a la Michael Angelo. A waiter greeted us. "Welcome Mr. Morelli, let me escort you."

"Are they here yet?" Lio asked flatly. "Not yet, sir," he answered politely.

They? I remember clearly he said 'somebody'.

He escorted us to vip room on second floor. There were this long dining table and six chairs. The waiter then left us. I took a sit beside the end of the table, and he sat next to me. I took my phone out of my pocket and start to browse social media. He did the same too, he looked occupied with his phone. Silence filled this room.

"So... can you explain why there is blood stain on your jacket?" he asked, breaking the silence. He sounded so serious. "There was a mosquito, so I tapped it," I answered inattentively. He exhaled harshly. Surely he was upset. I don't care, who told him he can force me to come here.

The whole room fell silence again.

My stomach rang.

The embarrassment is abysmal.

He held back laughter and then offered a menu. I looked at him. "Aren't we waiting for someone?"

"It's okay, you can eat first," he said, still holding back laughter.

I took the menu he gave and read it carefully. All food names written in foreign names and too hard to read them. The waiter came after Elio called. I choose the food with name that I can read, "Spaghetti and Lemon Tea."

After the waiter left, I went to the toilet to wash my hand. I intended to wash the bloodstain with water but I didn't do it, I'm afraid it would only spread it even wider and make it impossible to clean it off. So I just covered it with my hair, and decided to go back. The perks of long hair.

"I already knew that, my men are working on it." Elio is on the phone. I saw my food is already the table. I was in the toilet for that long, huh?

"Of course, I already took care of it. They're just a bunch of brats, you don't have to intervene," he saw me and immediately hung up.

I have finished all the food and the waiter already came to clear our table. However, they have not yet come.

"How much longer?" I'm getting sleepy, the effect of full stomach.

"There they are."

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