To Fly or to Drown

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Disclaimer: Attack on Titan does not belong to me, I only own Emalina and any other OC's. The cover image and chapter images do not belong to me; I hold no Copyright and found all pictures through Google.

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The early morning bell was struck, signaling the new recruits from the 104th Cadet Corps to awaken from their deep slumber and commence their first official day of training. The echo of the bell swept through each barrack and forced all individuals to rise; some were easily awoken, others curled into their sheets, begging to attain more slumber before beginning their day. My eyes had already been open long before the morning bell had rung as I was used to the annoying sound that determined the start of my day. Growing up with the same awaken over the last several years, one's body grows accustomed to awakening earlier and earlier.

By the time I was dressed in the required soldiers attire – harness, belts and everything else – all the other females within my specific bunk were barely stepping away from their bedside.

The morning routine encompassed such as this: the bell would ring, one would dress, head to the mess hall for breakfast, the first segment of training would begin, followed by a break, lunch, afternoon training, and, finally, dinner. Sometime there would be additional training after the recruits had time to rest the food within their bellies after dinner, but seeing as we're all rookies, I knew Shadis wouldn't conduct nightly training for at least a few months. The reason I know the daily regimen?

Let's just say I spent the last several years working alongside the previous set of rookies from the 103rd Cadet Corp, waiting for the day until I could be labeled as a soldier-in-training.

My leather clad feet prodded across the dirt as my direction was fixated on the mess hall, stomach already growling in anticipation. As expected, I was the first within the wooden building, the workers setting the food greeted me with smiles as I grabbed what I wanted and maneuvered towards the spot I'd claim as mine. The rest of the recruits gradually filled the hall and the morning was soon filled with laughter, whining and those discussing what the life as a soldier would be in three years. I lackadaisically stirred my spoon, circling the metal trinket around my bowl, chin held by my hand, eyes drifting from here to there; a sudden call of my name drifted through my eardrums, causing my head to lift.

"Good morning, Emalina. Did you sleep well?" Marco's bright smile allowed my lips to curl slightly as he resumed the same seat from the previous night. Jean was right behind the man as he reclaimed his seat as well, nodding in my direction as I swallowed the last bite of my breakfast.

"Hey, how're you already done, Ema?" Jean asked, his mouth frowning at the taste of his meal.

Wow, straight to using my nickname after one day, huh? "I'm an early riser, so I was here before anyone else." Why is it so easy for me to speak with him...?

Marco beamed, question after question falling from his mouth, mainly wanting to know if I could teach him to awaken earlier to be prepared. Crossing my arms upon the table, I mainly listened to his words and watched his reactions, Jean occasionally joining in with him questions. I rarely spoke as the two developed a conversation between the two as they asked me numerous inquiries. My lips gradually curved upward even more, a laugh escaping here and there, my heart beating in a manner I forgot existed.

These two...I'm not afraid when I'm with them.

The bell signifying the end of breakfast was then struck, my feet maneuvering to put my used dish away and waited for both males outside, my chin raised to the sun as I soaked in the morning light. The crumble of dirt beneath their feet diverted my eyes to see Jean and Marco walking in my direction, Jean's smirk already on display so early in the morning. "So, I informed Marco of our little bet. Are you ready to lose?"

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