Attack On Stohess District

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Disclaimer: Attack on Titan does not belong to me, I only own Emalina and any other OC's. The new story picture does not belong to me; I hold no Copyright and found the picture through Google Images.

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"Squads Three and Four, GO!"

The last twenty-four hours had been exhausting.

Rising before the crack of dawn, Jean and I woke in each other's arms, wishing we had extra time for ourselves, though we know it would only push back the mission. Sadly, we rose. I dressed as casually as I could; dark pants, my blue shirt and basic shoes instead of the knee-high boots. My ODM straps were wrapped around my limbs in preparation for when we arrived in Stohess. And, last but not least, a basic, green cloak was placed over my shoulders.

Jean, on the other hand, was Eren's decoy. So, he had to dress like him.

Watching as the man dressed in khaki pants and a white button up, I could feel my mouth drooling just watching his body. He chuckled as I had to slap my cheeks.

Dressed as he was, Jean looked nothing like Eren, until Levi stopped by with the piece that would seal the deal. Handing him the wig, I swore Levi snickered. Helping Jean place the wig on properly, it took several minutes to adjust the piece so it lay correctly with the right amount on fringe in just the right spot. Knowing there was nothing else to be done, Levi and I stepped back, as he had to ensure Jean was adequate enough to look like Eren before we could leave. He received the Captain's approval, which meant we were ready to go.

Once everybody was ready, we departed for Stohess District. Armin and Mikasa wore their cloaks the entire time with Eren keeping his hood up to conceal his identity. We wanted any and all who saw Jean to believe he was Eren Jaeger.

It was a long and quiet trek, most people keeping to themselves. Jean and I chatted, but it was quick. The weight of today's events weighed heavily on everyone's shoulders.

By the time we made it close enough towards the gate into the district, Jean said goodbye, opting not to kiss me in case we were to be seen. We had to keep the facade, after all. Stuck by Levi's side, we all followed behind. The Military Police were waiting just outside the gate before we were even granted access inside. Navigated to enter the provided carriage, Jean gave me one last glance as I nodded, his return gesture confirmed we were ready for this.

Leading the carriage away, the Military Police followed in sync, with the rest of the Scouts treaded on their heels. It was unnerving not knowing what was coming. Hange and Moblit eventually split with the main group in search of their specific destination as numerous others moved to hide within the shadows. Last night, we had most of the Scouts traverse to Stohess where they could lay in waiting, dressed in civilians clothing to blend into the crowd. All had been prepared, everything was now set up. We simply had to trust Armin to successfully persuade Annie in helping them into the underground tunnel.

Just as the gate closed behind us, the carriage hoisting Jean had set off, trolling through the city. Erwin, having appeared by my side, grasped my arm and gently pulled me into shadows. Knowing it was time, I glanced up at the taller man.

"Emalina, you're sure you can handle this?"

"Yes sir," I stated prominently.

"Good, we're counting on you." Taking hold of my shoulder, Erwin's face fell slightly. "Hange and Moblit have already secured their position with Squads One and Two, as have Eren, Armin and Mikasa. I want you to find Squads Three and Four and wait there with them. These Squads are under your control. They will only move in when you give the order."

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