You're Too Damn Important

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A/N: It's chapters like these that take me forever to edit. Which makes me wonder why it's so easy to write chapters that are easily over 10,000 words for this story.

Going through previous chapters, I noticed how I didn't mention in Chapter 5 that I DO NOT OWN the song Emalina sings towards the end. The song, if some don't know, is "Call of Silence," which is from AoT Season 2. I wanted to make note now that I hold no copyright and am simply using a song reference from the AoT anime.

There are spoilers ahead, so if you haven't seen the OVA Episode 3.25 "The Sudden Visitor: The Tortuous Curse of Youth," you have been warned.

Disclaimer: Attack on Titan does not belong to me, I only own Emalina and any other OC's. The cover image and chapter images DO NOT belong to me. I hold no Copyright at all and found them through Google Images.

~ oOo ~

Previously on Silence Has Been My Only Friend

"You should be nicer to your mom, Jeanie-boy – ah, I mean Jean," Eren says calmly, standing straight from picking the apples from the floor. Moving to face the cadet, my eyes still narrowed, I opened my mouth to yell at the suicidal maniac when Emalina appeared in my peripherals, making her way up the stairs in my direction. Just seeing her beauty grace my vision could vanish the ill feelings coursing my being, engulfing my senses until the darkness momentarily vanished.

I closed my lips as she opened hers, a dangerous growl erupted from her mouth as she stated my name, her words laced with rage and a violence Emalina rarely exerted. "Jean Kirschtein!" Approaching my side, my female friend merely stood, her blue eyes darkening to a shade I'd never seen. I wanted to formulate a question, but something scolded my conscious to keep my lips tightly shut; typically, my conscious was right, and this moment was no different. It wasn't until Emalina moved with rapid speed as her hand caressed my cheek in a kiss of skin against skin. The electrical blow of her palm left behind a scorching sting as it reverberated against the stone hall, vibrating my ears, forcing my head to turn without permission.


~ oOo ~

Point of View


My hand was frozen in place, still in the air after my skin collided against Jean's cheek, the stinging of my palm the only notification that I had just struck my best friend. As the cliché goes, a pin drop could be heard across the Mess Hall as it was that silent. I dared not glance at those surrounding us, knowing our comrades were switching their gazes between the Jean and I. Who were they to look at? Me, the one who struck my friend? Or Jean, the one whose fists were tightening at his side. Inhaling a deep breath, I finally lowered my hand, not knowing what else to do.

"Emalina..." His voice was so quiet, our eyes seeking each other. "Ema, I'm sorry," he pleaded.

Shaking my head, I grasped the door handle, clenching and unclenching my fingers as I decided how to answer. Before I exited the hall, my voice was able to mutter, "I'm not the one who needs to hear your apology, Jean." With the door slamming shut behind me, I inhaled another breath before quickly moving my feet through the winding corridors of Headquarters, searching for Mrs. Kirschtein. It didn't take my long before I saw the edge of her skirt whisk around a corner as I jogged to catch up with her, my voice echoing against the stone.

"Mrs. Kirschtein!"

The women froze as she turned at the call of her name, noticing me as I stopped in front of her. I could see the redness surrounding her eyes and though I didn't know the woman, I suddenly wanted to give her a hug. Timidly, she asked, "Yes...? Can I help you?"

There Is A Reason (Jean x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon