What Did We Lose and What Have We Gained?

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A/N: Songs for chapter: There is one song that is the overall theme, however there are two versions. There's a point where Emalina sings a song and it's in Norwegian, so please listen to the song version, which you can easily find on YouTube; the English translation is at the end of the chapter. The rest, please listen to the instrumental version. Both are amazingly beautiful!

- Two Steps From Hell "Compass" (Instrumental Version)

- Two Steps From Hell "Compass" (Song Version featuring Merethe Soltvedt)

Disclaimer: Attack on Titan does not belong to me, I only own Emalina and any other OC's. The new story picture does not belong to me; I hold no Copyright and found the picture through Google Images.

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Point of View


On the evening Trost District was attacked by titans, humanity had finally prevailed in obtaining its first victory. Somehow, Eren Jaeger came into possession of the ability to turn in a damn titan, and it was because of him we were able to plug the hole in the front gate. In that time, there had been unrest between the Military, the civilians, the government, and my friends. Merely two days had passed since our victory, the smell of blood and death forever burned into our senses. The decay of the dead filtered through every street, but it wasn't just the death of our comrades. On that day, Trost had perished as well, leaving me saddened knowing my city had been reduced to rubble.

It was a complete nightmare.

In following my orders from Emalina, I did as she asked, having dragged all the soldiers who crossed my path as I headed to the wall. They were instructed to remain there for safety since the Scout Regiment had returned. As promised, I ran back into the city in search of Emalina, who after having compromised with me, remained to remove as many titans as possible, all on her own. Nevertheless, the woman refused to quit and by the time I found her, Levi was protecting Emalina on a secluded roof, having fainted before I arrived. She was in no way able to continue the fight for her wound had definitely burst, leaving her bleeding profusely.

The woman would drive me insane, and still, I loved her so.

Luckily Carolyn, the same doctor, was available to manage her injury. Even she, a doctor, was surprised Emalina lasted as long as she had. Refusing to leave her side, the wound was replaced with new stitches and bandages; she was lucky the gash hadn't opened even more. Not long once the procedure was over, she opened her eyes, first questioning how everyone else was doing rather than herself. Having been instructed to endure the rest of the night in the bed, Ema groaned, preferring to be inside the city, helping those who she thought needed to more than her. Levi, who had been outside the tent the entire time, ordered her to rest, that she could help the following day. It was amusing watching the two argue; comforting in a way, knowing she acted the same with me as she did her brother.

And so, she rested. Neither one of us gained any sleep that night, our very dreams cursed with images of the real nightmare. This was my first experience with the titans and it fucking torn me apart; god only knew what Emalina had been through. We weren't ready to discuss what we suffered, only relieving such torment in the comfort of each other. She slept in the medical bed while I lay my head upon the sheets, curled in the most uncomfortable chair that managed to survive the attack.

Still, the next day was just as brutal. As titans become dormant at night, all remaining soldiers were able to rest their bodies and minds, before beginning the following morning at dawn. As instructed by Commander Pyxis, all the wall-mounted canons available released ammunition throughout the entire day, eliminating the titans by the wall. Any loose monsters in the city were eliminated by the Scouts. Eventually, we grew deaf to the sound of canon fire. And yet, we couldn't silence the screams of those we couldn't save.

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