Bloodied and Bruised

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A/N: And here we have another chapter in the bag! I hope ya'll enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: Attack on Titan does not belong to me, I only own Emalina and any other OCs. The new story picture does not belong to me; I hold no Copyright and found the picture through Google Images.

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Within a matter of seconds, the Military Police had carted my sister away like fucking cattle.

And there was not a damn thing I could do to stop them.

As I watched them drag Emalina away, my arms felt as if they were cloaked in restraints, the iron keeping me from moving. Or was that from the shock at what had just occurred? Seconds after she had left the room, my eyes finally swiveled between Jean and Erwin before landing on the Military Police Commander, Nile. The man visibly cowered, albeit slightly, under the scrutiny of my gaze. Was he feeling guilty? Was he even feeling remorse for what he had done? The fucking audacity of this man. Not only had he spent a good majority of this afternoon in the same room as Emalina, but he had not once spoken to word to her. Nothing was mentioned during this meeting that there were crimes against her. Nile said nothing nor did Dhalis Zachary.

Narrowing my eyes, I said in the most murderous tone I could, "Nile, after this fucking stunt you just pulled, you better fucking believe that you won't live to see your next morning."

Though Nile's eyes rolled, I could still see he was scared. Good. He better fucking be. "I arrested Emalina on Dhalis' orders, there is nothing you can do."

"That may be true," Erwin intervened, still able to stand tall despite being held back by two officers. "But did your orders specifically state that you were to arrest Emalina in the dead of night, waking her from sleep?" When Nile was about to speak, Erwin continued, cutting off his longtime friend. "Or were you additionally given orders that you could cause injury to her? Regardless of the suggested crimes against her, what has Emalina done that was so horrific you would treat her as one of the nastiest criminals you've come across? And believe me, Nile, I know you've come across some disturbing individuals in your days as Commander."

The man scoffed, his head nodding in the direction of the soldiers holding me, Jean, and Erwin down. Jean stood to his feet, immediately making way for the door when he was blocked from doing so. I was impressed by his willingness to try, but with the Military Police involved, it was pointless. "His orders were - "

"I bet you my life Dhalis said nothing of the sort, giving you the assumed inclination you could do whatever you damn well please." Smirking at Jean, I was left impressed once more. This male continuously proved to me that he was all bark and bite.

Nile took one step towards Jean when I stepped forward. Jean Kirschtein could take care of himself, I was certain, but Nile had no right going after him. "Considering what you've done, I suggest you and your men leave, Nile," I snarled.

Pulling at his necktie, the man gulped, Tilting his head, the remaining men in the room left, one-by-one they vanished until he was the only one left. As he moved to step between me and Erwin, I was about to grasp him once more when Jean stepped forward. Grasping him by the collar, Jean shoved their faces together. "I may not be in a commanding position to say this...but if any harm, and I mean any harm, befalls upon Emalina when she's held in custody, it's not just the three of us you'll have to answer to. She's got a whole arsenal of friends who'll beat your ass. So I'd tread lightly if I were you."

Stepping back before the man could do anything, Nile snarled. "Watch your tongue, Kirschtein."

Stepping forward, I pulled Jean back, knowing this could also turn to bite him in the ass. "I'd watch your tongue, Nile. You have three witnesses to what you did here tonight; you best hope we don't suggest to ol' Dhalis that you should stand trial as well."

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