Utgard Castle

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A/N: I spent almost one full day writing this after I finished the last chapter. I am very sorry this is late. I have been undergoing personal reasons, as well as having surgery. But here it is. I'm hoping it won't be too long before the next chapter is posted.

Disclaimer: Attack on Titan does not belong to me, I only own Emalina and any other OC's. The new story picture does not belong to me; I hold no Copyright and found the picture through Google Images.

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With the sun riding down on my back, the journey from Stohess to see my friends and Veteran Scouts at their makeshift base went more quickly than I thought. I galloped on Freyja's back through the open plains between Wall Rose and Wall Sina, appreciating the beauty there was in the nature we were able to live in. Overhead, the sun had passed indicating morning, then afternoon. By the time I could see the housing district where my friends were currently waiting, the sun was well past being high in the sky.

Having Freyja push herself even more, I was greeted with a calming sight. There were several Veterans standing amongst the compound and across the roofs. Not seeing any of my friends, I had to guess they were held up inside the building. Flying down the last hill, I made it towards the building in no time, Freyja's call alerted the Scouts as they all turned in my direction. Miche and Nanaba were the first to greet me as I slowed my steed to a stop.

"Emalina!" Miche called out as he neared. "What on earth are you doing here?"

"It's good to see you too, Miche," I chuckled, jumping from my saddle to hold my steed's reigns. "And you, Nanaba."

"It's not that we're not excited to see you, but we were told you would be with everyone else in Stohess!" my female friend commented.

"And I was. That is, until Erwin gave me new orders to meet you here and fill you in on what has happened. First, where can I place Freyja? She deserves a good rest."

"Oh! Over here, I'll show you.," Nanaba offered.

"I'll grab the others and meet you at the stables," Miche announced, turning and bursting across the land with his gear.

Following Nanaba, we made our way into the stables where I was able to house Freyja, remove her gear and provide her with water and a few carrots. By the time I was done, Miche had gathered Gelgar and the rest of the Veterans. I'm glad I didn't have to point out that I only wanted to speak with them, and not the new recruits.

"Alright, spill. What's happened in Stohess?"

Chugging from my water skein, I wiped my mouth of excess droplets. "It's as we guessed: Annie Leonhart was indeed a titan in disguise." There was mumbling across the few soldiers, their eyes lit with a fire I hadn't seen since before the last mission. "It was...a rather nasty fight, but we were able to capture her."

"That's great news, Emalina!" Gelgar cried out, holding his fist up in victory.

"Heh, that's the good news. Here...comes the bad news." My friend's shoulders slumped, as if he knew it was to good to be true. "Just as we were to capture her from the nape, she encased her entire body into crystal; there's no way we can get her out."

"In crystal...so what now?" Miche asked, arms crossed.

"For now, the Scouts and Military Police have secured her deep underground. Other than that is beyond my position to know. For now, we at least were able to capture her before she escaped. That's what we've been focusing on since yesterday." Taking a small bite from the apple in my hand, I watched everyone's expressions. It was difficult news to swallow, though it seemed everyone was handling it fairly well.

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