Chapter 7 | It's All Fun and Games

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A/N: Hello, all! If you're reading this, I'd like to inform you that I've been thinking about changing a few plot points. If I do change a few things in the future, I'll leave a message like this along with which chapter was altered. In the meantime, happy reading!

I woke up feeling like shit. My head was pounding and the bright sunlight coming through my bedroom curtains made me want to sleep in my closet. I tried to remember exactly how many shots I had at the club last night. Then I remembered that I was drinking those shots with that creep, Rhys. Anything after that is a blur to me, and to say that worried me would be an understatement.

I rolled out of bed with my head in my hands, a long, disgruntled groan leaving my mouth. I was still a little dizzy. Looking at my bedside table, I saw it was six o'clock in the morning. How long did I even sleep? When did I come home? How did I get home? I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to remember as much as I could from last night. It was useless. I continued to draw a blank.

I sighed and practically slithered to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth before I got in the shower. I couldn't stand the strong smell of alcohol. I was lucky Mom was working day shift. She'd smell the alcohol and probably pack my bags to ship me off to Grandma.

After my thirty-minute shower, I slipped on a baggy sweater and tights, planning absolutely nothing for the day. Completing my lazy look with a fuzzy pair of socks, I went downstairs and to the kitchen to make myself a cappuccino. I nibbled on a piece of toast as I scrolled through the text messages on my phone. It was Jess, of course, seeing if I made it home okay. I told her I made it and another text popped up.

So, Caleb is cute. ;)

I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Who the hell is Caleb? Then I remembered she had met Caus. I rolled my eyes. Stay away from him, Jess. I know you like douche bags, but he's one you won't be getting involved with.

The speed in which she texts is ridiculous. Rawr, someone sounds territorial.

Anything but. I even avoid him as much as I can. Crap. She's going to get nosy.

Juicy! You make him sound dangerous! Is he in the mafia??

I knew she was going to be like this. If anything, she'll probably go for him now, which I would do everything in my power to stop at all costs. I'm just saving you from disappointment. I'll talk to you on Monday.

Kk, can't wait to hear all about it!

I tossed my phone on the kitchen table with a sigh, my face flushing. Caus had carried me home. And I acted like a complete moron! I remember everything now. Ugh, I even acted like they were fighting over me! That's it. I've officially lost my fucking mind. I think there's a shovel in the barn; I should start digging my grave out back. I also remember inviting him inside. How could I be so stupid? I could've been killed or worse! But he didn't come inside. Why did he decline? Do demons normally pass up invitations? It didn't matter. I was glad this one did.

After taking a few hours to clean up the house a bit, I went back upstairs and was about to turn into my room until Dad's office caught my eye. I pushed the door open and just stood there, looking at all the things that reminded me of him. I walked over to the dusty bookcase, running my fingers over the multitude of books. I've read at least half of them. Dad read some of them to me as a kid, in the leather recliner in the corner. I made my way to it and sat down, pulling my knees up to my chest. I still couldn't get used to how quiet his office was. You could always hear him typing away on his keyboard. Now, it was just...silent. Almost cold.

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