Chapter 11 | Shadowed

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I shot up with a deep inhale before I began coughing uncontrollably. My eyes teared up as I grabbed my shirt and tried to breathe, attempting to suck in more air like I haven't had any in years. A glass of water appeared in front of me and I snatched it out of the waiting hand and chugged it. After a few minutes, I settled enough to notice my surroundings. I was sitting on probably the softest bed I've ever been on. My hands subconsciously slid along the white comforter, gripping it as if to make sure it was real. My eyes landed on a scaled hand and claws only a few inches from my skin. This time, it didn't bother me. I looked over Caus's vacant form as I pulled my knees to my chest. It was kind of sad to see him like that.

"I'm assuming you spoke to him?" Rhys asked, laying some folded pieces of fabric at my feet.

I only nodded, feeling too defeated to do or say anything. Sure, I guess we settled things, but that didn't help the fact that all kinds of creatures and shadows will still try to get to me. I was alone in that respect, and Caus even said it: I'm fucked.

"Well? What did he say?" Rhys sounded impatient.

I sighed. "He can't come back right now, and I don't know when or if he can. But he said that when he does, our contract might be void."

"I don't give a shite about that! What did he say about my wings?"

I turned my head to stare at him blankly. "Oh, he told me to ask you to order a display case for the living room."

He literally paled. "Fuck me, he was angry, after all. Fuck."

I shrugged. "They would actually look beautiful over the fireplace."

"You think this is funny? That's like asking me to special order my own coffin."

I was giggling like mad, partially because it was kind of funny. The other half was just me getting hysterical at the fact the I'm probably not gonna survive a supernatural attack without Caus.

Rhys was watching me with utter astonishment. "Christ, you've really lost the plot, haven't you? Here." He threw a set of clothes at my face. "Go clean the blood off; you've already gotten it all over the floor."

I ceased my cackling and looked down at myself. I was covered in blood. It crusted in some places on my arms and fingers, and my favorite blouse was ruined. It made me woozy all over again. "How am I even alive?" I asked myself.

"Magic." I looked at Rhys as he shrugged. "Don't ask me how it works."

I wasn't going to. As long as it keeps me alive, I don't care about the mechanics. I gathered the clothes in my arms and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I looked down at my blood-covered toes. At least he had enough consideration to take off my shoes so I wouldn't get blood on them. I stood from the bed without thinking about just how much blood I've lost. I didn't realize I was falling over until Rhys caught me by the arm.

"Are you dead from the neck up?" He scolded, like a parent would a child. "Magic can keep you tethered to the physical world by a thread, but it can't give blood back. You're going to be weak for a while."

I shrugged off his hand. "I'll be fine, just point me to a shower."

He gestured to another pocket door on the opposite wall the of bedroom and I went to it eagerly. I got inside and immediately flipped the latch, effectively locking the door. I was going to be extra cautious about showering in a house with two demons in it. Speaking of, Cam told me before that Rhys was a shade of the Sin of Lust. So, that explained why he was so loyal to Caus! He's basically his bitch! I chuckled to myself. Oh, Rhys would be pissed if I said that to his face. I'll just file it for later. Right now, I badly needed a shower.

Under the Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें