Highschool dxd x One winged angel: Season 2: Chapter 12

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Kuroka's Pov

Its been a few years since Master Y/n made me his bishop as I was a  wanted  SS stray devil for killing my former master and for good reasons. You see my master was doing unspeakable things to his pets experimenting on them like wild animals in a lab. I found out that he was gonna do wicked experiments on my little Shirnoe  but before he could do anything to her I killed him not for power as every says that I did but to shave my sister.


I was running through a forest with devil bounty hunters hot on my trail. For weeks they been chasing me non-stop trying to collect the bounty on my head. The sound of energy blast filled the night sky as I kept running for my life. I could here them getting closer and closer with each passing second as I dodged another energy ball as it hit a tree and exploded.

"You can't get away you filthy cat!" said one of the devil bounty hunters as he blasted me with another energy baa hitting me in the back as I went flying and hitting the ground hard as I was near a lake as the bounty hunters surrounded as I was tired from using to much energy  running and fighting my way to freedom.

"End of the line for you cat so why don't you come back with us so we can collect the bounty on your head?" The second bounty hunter said as the rest laughed.

"Why don't we have some fun with her first before we take her back I mean no one is watching right?" the third bounty hunter said as I growled and threw a energy ball at him but it was so weak that he swatted it away. With nowhere to run the bounty hunters moved in closer laughing as they were gonna to have their way with me until one of the bounty hunters was impaled though the chest by a long blade as he fell to the ground dead. The other hunters looked a the stranger that just killed their partner.

"Who the hell are you?" The second bounty hunter said as he tried to attack the man but he was split in two down the middle  by a purple hair woman wielding an axe. The other three bounty hunters were scared as they tried to attack the man but it was futile as two of them had their heads sliced off as the third one was scared that he backed up against a tree as I heard hissing from above as I see a giant snake slither down from the tree and wrapped it's body around the hunter squeezing  the life out of him as he begged and screamed  for his life right before the snake swallowed him whole then vanished back into the tree.

"Damn devil bounty hunters always making such a racked even at night." The women with the axe said.

"I know but still it can't be helped." Another female said walking from the shadows her eyes were like snakes as the white hair man walked up to me and kneeled in front of me

"Your not hurt are you?" The man said as he held out his hand as I looked at him and felt like he means no harm so I took it.

"Just tired and ore but other then that I'm fine. Just who are you people and why did you save me?" I asked 

"The names Orochi." Orochi said with a smile.

" Orochi said with a smile

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Highschool DXD X One winged Angel Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now