Chapter 23: Denouement

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Detective Murdoch was surrounded by his wife and all his close friends as he stood in front of a grave. Tears glossed his eyes as he read the inscription on the tombstone:

'Breanna Murdoch'.

Her birth year and death date were underneath her name, along with a saying about how the innocent are always free.

Inspector Brackenreid was the first to let out a sigh and pat Detective Murdoch on the shoulder. The Inspector began to leave, and after a few short words exchanged between Constable Crabtree and Constable Higgens, the two cops bid farewell to Detective Murdoch, giving him their most sincere condolences before they followed the Inspector away from the graveyard.

They had a job to do: they were still on the hunt for James Gillies.

Julia gingerly took William's hand in hers, unsure of what to say as she looked at her distraught husband. 

"Breanna is finally at rest, William. She'll never suffer again."

William took in a breath. "I know."

The short, unemotional reply left Julia at a loss. From the look on his face, she had realized he wanted to be left alone. 

With one final squeeze, Julia let go of his hand and walked off. "I'll wait by the carriage."

Her words were heard, but not responded to as Murdoch kept his eyes strained on the grave in front of him. The fresh dirt was piled up around her grave in an orderly manner, but seeing the beautiful headstone did nothing to quell the anguish inside his heart.

"I'm so sorry, Breanna," Detective Murdoch whispered. "I know you said not to blame myself, but it's hard. I should've acted faster. I should've known Gillies had been using you for something like this. But I didn't. I'm so, so sorry Breanna."

His words remained unanswered. Tears gently trickled down his cheek, but he made no move to wipe them away. Instead, he blinked hard, making the tears that had blurred his vision all come down at once so he could see.

"I love you, Breanna. I never said it enough. I love you, and I was so proud of you. You were a brilliant woman and such a bright light to everyone around you. You brought joy everywhere you went," Murdoch choked. "And I can't imagine why anyone would want to snuff that light out."

William stepped forward and placed a hand on the top of her grave. He doubted his words reached her spirit, but it felt better to say them aloud. 

"I promise I'll continue to live to the fullest. I will always remain happy and positive, just like you did. I promise I won't hold secrets anymore and I won't take any life for granted. And above all, Breanna, I promise I'll find James Gillies and bring him to justice for what he's done to you."

Murdoch fell to his knees in front of her grave, his head bowed as he let himself mourn. Tears flowed down his face and he kept praying for any type of peace God could give him at that moment. 

Footsteps crinkled the grass behind him and Murdoch let out a sigh. "Please, Julia, I'll be there in a little bit. Just give me some time."

When he received no answer, Detective Murdoch's shoulders drooped and he turned his head around to see who was behind him. When he did, his eyes grew wide and he immediately got to his feet.

James Gillies stood not five feet from Detective Murdoch, dressed in a suit that indicated he had been at Breanna's funeral as well. One hand rested inside the pocked of his trousers, while the other held a package.

Rage flew threw Detective Murdoch, and he had half a mind to pummel James Gillies to a pulp right then and there, but was stopped when Gillies lifted the package out for Detective Murdoch.

"I found this among Breanna's things at the house," James began, his voice low and cracked. "I thought it would bring some sort of solace to the pain I've caused."

Detective Murdoch gave Gillies a suspicious glare, but shakily took the package out of his hands. He unwrapped it and unfolded the material inside. 

More tears came to the bottom of his eyelids as he saw the hand-knit sweater with a big 'M' on it. 

"Apparently she had been preparing for Christmas."

Gillies' words made Detective Murdoch look up at the murderer in pain. The sweater was for William; Breanna had knit it for him. 

"Why give this to me?"

James Gillies shuffled his feet uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact with Detective Murdoch. "There aren't many things I regret doing, William...but this...this is one of them."

The sincerity in his tone shocked William. The two men stared at each other for a long time before Detective Murdoch took in a deep breath. 

"You need to leave before I call the cops."

James Gillies smirked at the detective and chuckled. "I figured as much," he let out a sigh, looking past Detective Murdoch to the grave behind him. "I just came to say goodbye."

Detective Murdoch looked down at the sweater in his hands before looking back up at James Gillies. As a mutual respect for delivering Breanna's last gift to him, Detective Murdoch began to walk away from the grave.

"Be gone in ten minutes."

The warning was the last words spoken between the two men, and as Murdoch disappeared from view, James Gillies approached Breanna's grave. 

He felt uncomfortable in front of the grave. Uncomfortable with death. He didn't know what he was doing here or why he thought he needed to say goodbye.

"I know I used you, Breanna," James muttered. "I used your good heart for my own purposes. But...I don't think you fully realized the effect you had on me. No one had ever made me debate about stopping one of my games except for you."

James let out a long sigh, inconspicuously rubbing his eye to rid himself of a moisture that had gathered there. 

"I wish I had met you under different circumstances, Breanna. I really do. If this were a different life, we could've been together. I am sorry for what I've done to you. I truly do mean that."

James adjusted the hat on his head before fiddling with something in his pocket. He took it out, looking at the piece of jewelry before putting it at the foot of her grave. 

"Even if you never had it before, its yours now. As a type of recompense. Thank you for the love you showed me, and for the wonderful gift you made for me." 

A small smile came to his face as he recalled finding his own hand-knit sweater from Breanna. He stood back up, looking over her name a few times before he let out a sigh.

"I loved you, Breanna. But I hope they don't forget how much you loved everyone else."

With that, James Gillies started walking towards the road, in the opposite direction of where Detective Murdoch went. 

His figure disappeared, his goodbye lingering around the grave where Breanna had been laid to rest. And at the foot of the grave, the little recompense James Gillies had left for her was none other than a beautiful, petite diamond ring that could've been hers, had they been born in another life.

I know this chapter is short, but that's the end!! This story is officially completed! Thank you all so much for supporting this story and sticking through until the end! I really hope you've enjoyed reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know what you think of this final chapter. It was such a pleasure reading all of your comments! Love all of you! 

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