Chapter 5: Damaged

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Breanna sat on the bed as James Gillies prepared their dinner. It was completely strange for her not to be the one doing the prepping for food, and because he was still being nice, mostly at least, to her during her imprisonment.

It wasn't anything spectacular or fancy, but a hardy meal she suspected he learned either at college or from his mother. Possibly both. He put her portion on a tray before carrying it over and putting it on the bed. Brianna eyes the food, trying to ignore the growling in her stomach. She hadn't eaten all day.

"If I untie you to eat, you mustn't try to run or escape. That will only end badly." Gillies warns and Breanna nods her head. She was smart enough not to try something as dumb as escape.

"Of course I won't run." She responds and a grin tugs at the corner of his mouth. Gillies unties each hand before untying her feet, and Breanna begins to stretch out on the bed, getting into a much more comfortable and ladylike position as she prepared to eat. She winced as she moved, finding that it was impossible to sit on her ankles. She moves her dress enough to see her ankles, where dark bruises and rubbed skin expose themselves. Gillies moves back over to the table to grab his own food.

Breanna frowns and then looks at her wrists. They too were in the exact same condition. It caused her pain to move them, and it felt as if needles had entered the muscles around each part of her body that had been tied.

She couldn't help the tears in her eyes as she tries to pull the sleeves of her dress down to cover the painful marks. Breanna reaches to grab the fork on her plate, but when she grips it, the muscles in her right hand from her wrist up all tighten and pain shoots through every muscle in her hand.

Breanna drops the fork and takes in a deep breath,gripping her hand with her other one and holding it closely to her body. 

"Breanna?" Gillies asked, now back over near her and noticing her condition. She shakes her head at him, taking in deep breaths as she takes her time to just work her way through the pain.

Gillies notices her rigid hand and realizes she's having one of her attacks. With nothing to do, he sits on the edge of the bed and waits for it to pass, watching her carefully.

After a few more seconds pass by, the pain ceases and Breanna lets out a sigh of relief, her hand being able to relax and move properly once again. She looks up to James, who continues to stare at her as if he were worried. 

"I had a feeling that would happen," Breanna said apologetically and motioned to her wrist. "Binding muscles that have issues usually doesn't end well."

A frown came to James' face. "You're right about that. I am sorry I'm causing you extra pain. Sadly, I'll probably have to say this apology a few more times throughout your stay with me here."

Breanna swallowed and looked at him nervously. "You're going to cause me more pain?"

A lopsided grin came to his face and he ignored her question, beginning to eat. Breanna thought it wise not to push him further, and silently began to eat her food, glad for some type of sustenance in her body. 

They ate in silence, and the more Breanna thought of her circumstance, the more unhappy she became. Her brother was the real target: not her. She was nothing more than a pawn for Gillies to mess with until she's used up her purpose. And she still has no idea what that is or what is going to be left of her when he's done using her for William's torture.

It broke Breanna's heart to know she was causing her brother so much pain and fear. It was never supposed to be like this.

"Does this room have a bath?" Breanna whispers and Gillies looks up at her.

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