Chapter 14: Deliberation

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Breanna sits beside four other men and women who were in the institution for different types of psychosis; she couldn't help but feel angered and out of place.

Julia sat on a chair in front of them with a smile on her face. Breanna knew the smile was real, but it all felt so fake to her. The situation was not good either way. 

"We're going to be talking about reality today," Julia starts. "I know each of you suffered something traumatic, and because of that trauma you've buried the truth of your reality deep in your brain. We're going to start talking about what you've experienced so you can face your trauma and heal from it."

Breanna felt a bitterness in her throat at her words. No one believed her. Still. They all thought she had made the whole thing up. But she knew better than that. So did James. Their talk in the woods the other day proved it too.

She had a job to do, however. And it wouldn't be long until she was out of this place. Just a few more days, and it would be finished. 

A man to Breanna's left starts first, talking about how wonderful his home life was and how much he loved his wife and child. His eyes gleamed with happiness; Julia's were glazed with remorse.

"Jack. Where are you wife and daughter?" Julia asks. Jack shrugs his shoulders.

"I think they're at home, waiting for me to come back. I need to go home soon, Doctor. I hope you understand that."

"Yes, I do," Julia says slowly. "But your wife and daughter aren't home, Jack."

"Are they here?" Jack sat up straighter and Breanna had to look away. This happened every single day.

"No," Julia testily says. "They're not anywhere, Jack. Remember? They were killed in a burglary two months ago. You found them; you know they didn't make it."

Jack stares at Julia in shock and his lip begins to tremble. "No, that can't be true. That can't be! I-I mean, they were injured, but they're fine now!"

"Jack, you know they're not. Deep down, you know that. You've warped your reality so that they're still alive so you don't have to deal with the grief of losing them. Remember, Jack. You attended the funeral. You put them to rest yourself - and you came to us seeking help."

Jack looked as if his head was going to explode. Breanna felt pity for the poor man. She could understand why he would want to erase that painful experience. 

If she could forget the truth about her heritage, she would in an instant. 

Julia continued to talk to Jack for a few minutes more before he finally broke down crying, admitting that his wife and child were dead. He went on and on about how he missed them and how he couldn't cope without them. The woman beside Jack, Clara, put a hand on his shoulder and offered him a small smile for comfort.


Breanna looked away from a now calmer Jack, staring into Julia's eyes. She gives her a hesitant smile.

"What happened to you?"

Breanna takes in a deep breath. "I was taken by James Gillies as a bartering piece in his game with my brother, Detective William Murdoch. Although nothing turned out the way people thought."

Julia nods her head in encouragement, prompting Breanna to continue. "James was kind to me, despite why he kidnapped me. He helped me, tended to me, and told me a truth about my family that my dear old brother never had the courage to. And then he let me go. I walked out on my own free will, unharmed - for the most part - and safe."

"Breanna," Julia gives her a testy smile. "You are stuck in a reality where Mr. Gillies displayed kindness to you in order to save yourself from the truth and reality of what he did to you."

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