Chapter 13: Prisoner

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Breanna stares outside the second-floor window of the mental hospital she was placed in. She held her arms close to her body as she looked at a few others walking down below. 

She was angry, hurt, and betrayed. William had Julia 'examine' Breanna after they took her away from the station, and Julia herself - instead of believing Breanna's story - took it as mental Stockholm Syndrome and admitted Breanna into the hospital she worked at. None of them believed that Gillies had voluntarily released her. They didn't believe that he hadn't hurt her like they assumed he did. 

Because of that, Breanna was only seen as a liar and a victim of mental abuse. 


She didn't turn around at Julia's voice, but rather stayed silent, continuing to stare outside. She didn't think she owed anyone any further explanation. What would be the point of talking about the truth if no one would believe her?

"Breanna, William is here to see you."

"I'd rather not see him." Breanna answered honestly, but her request was denied as she heard someone else walk into the room. With a resigned sigh, she turns around, looking at a worried William and Julia.

"Breanna, I know you must be upset. But this is really for your own good," William starts cautiously. "I'm here to talk to you about what Gillies did to you."

"And I'm done talking about it." Breanna replied. She crosses her arms as she looks into William's eyes, challenging him to try to change her mind. William sees her defensive stance and lets out a sigh.

"Very well. If you won't talk about it, then at least let me talk to you about what he told you. About your parentage."

Breanna felt her heart clench and her jaw tightens. She gives William a terse nod before he sits down, inviting her to sit across from him. Begrudgingly, Breanna obliges him, sitting on her sofa. Julia stands behind William in a protective type of manner. Whether it was for him or her, she didn't know.

"What he said was...mostly true. Yes, you were adopted by my parents. I can't speak for their actions, but you knew me as a very obedient child, Breanna. When my parents approached me and said not to tell you about the truth or tell a lot of people about you, I obeyed. I didn't think about the consequences at the time. After years of living that way, it was ingrained in my head to behave that way. I've been trying to break that habit, Breanna, I promise you that. I'm trying hard. That's why I had told Julia, and the Inspector, and even George." William says and Breanna forces a smile.

"You told three people in your lifetime about my entire existence. How does that justify the hundreds of others you've hidden me from?"

William looks at her in pain. "I didn't mean for it to go on like this. Mrs. Thorne was sworn to secrecy and Mr. Thorne never spoke of it. I cannot control what my parents did."

"You're right," Breanna said. "You couldn't control them. But you could've controlled your actions."

"Breanna, please-"

"Tell me when exactly did you realize this situation was wrong? Was it a few weeks ago when you came to visit me? Or did you realize it for years and only feel bad about it now that it's been outed?" Breanna questions. Her voice is laced with anger in order to hide the pain she felt in her heart.

Detective Murdoch looks away from his sister's piercing eyes. "I had realized it a few years back." He admits shamefully and Breanna lets out a small huff.

 "Did you only start caring because James told me the truth?"

"No!" Murdoch immediately denied. "No, of course not. I always felt the pain and guilt from not telling you. But I didn't know how to approach you about it. Especially since..." 

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