Chapter 20: Midnight

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Breanna tapped her foot anxiously as she waited near the edge of the trees. She saw the water rushing in front of her; the rocks were her main focus and caused massive anxiety to build in her body. She prayed James wouldn't be struck by one of those rocks. 

The sun had set behind her, the light fading from the sky as her eyes looked up to the bridge. Hours from now, James should be there. On that bridge. 

Breanna took in a deep breath as she realized she'd have to see him jump from the bridge. It would terrify her to see that.

Steeling herself over, Breanna settled herself on the ground, leaning her back against the tree as she began to wait. Thoughts flooded through her mind as she thought about the events that had led up to this moment. Sometimes she couldn't believe it to be true.

But then she thought of James' admittance of his love for her and those thoughts seemed to disappear. Breanna had nothing but time to contemplate her thoughts as the sun sunk further in the sky.

It was going to be a long night.

Breanna had almost nodded off near midnight, but stopped herself on account of realizing James could be coming for the bridge at any given minute. She sat up against the tree, holding up the lantern she had with her towards the bridge to see if she could spot a figure.

No such luck.

With a sigh, she gets up, wincing as she does. During the long hours she was waiting for midnight, her left leg had spasmed three different times. Breanna didn't know if it was because of the position she was sitting in or the nervousness she held for tonight. Either way, she had to do her best to calm herself down and focus on her objective: saving James Gillies from what could be a deadly jump.


James Gillies hit Detective Murdoch across the face after kissing him to distract the good Catholic. With a laugh, Gillies shoves Murdoch off of him and scrambles to his feet, running as well as he could over towards the bridge.

This is it, he thought to himself. This is the moment I disappear for awhile. 


Gillies pauses over the bridge, heaving in breaths as he looks back at the Detective, who was looking quite worried, despite himself. 

"You never answered my question! Where is she? Where is Breanna?"

Gillies smirks at Detective Murdoch. "So interesting that now you suddenly become interested in finding her. I guess you'll never know now." He looks back down at the water, preparing himself to jump.

Murdoch immediately caught his drift. "Stop!"

Gillies looked back at the now panicked looking detective, who shook his head at him. "The water is too shallow, you'll be killed."

"Very possibly," Gillies grinned, knowing exactly who was waiting for him down below. He looked back down, catching the glint of a lantern further down the stream. The grin on his face grew wider when he realized Breanna was waiting down there, exactly as he told her to.

"But then...well I've got nothing to lose." Gillies finishes, deciding to keep the secret of Breanna's involvement from Murdoch as he launched himself over the edge of the bridge, hearing Detective Murdoch's shocked 'No!' echo behind him as he plunged into the cold, dark water.


Breanna saw him jump. She held in her scream as his handcuffed body plunged into the water. She immediately waded out into the river, her waist secured by the rope she cinched around her waist that was tied to the tree on the bank of the river.

My Little Experiment (James Gillies)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora