Chapter 8: Experimentation

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Breanna sat at the edge of the bed facing away from Gillies, holding her arm close to her body. Tears slowly fell down her face as she stayed silent, refusing to even look at him.

Gillies looked at her and tried his best to not roll his eyes at her. He hadn't known how badly it would hurt her.

He had wanted to experiment on Breanna to figure out what caused her pain - both for her benefit and his amusement. What he didn't count on is the pain that would initially cause her. Gillies had squeezed her arm tight to see if it caused any damage or pain, and soon after Breanna was letting out screams of pain and she yanked away from him. 

Apparently that induced an attack.

Then he tried to see what would happen if her body was cut out of his own curiosity for her disease. She hardly let him touch her, but she did allow it if not only for her own research and curiosity for her disease. He barely cut open the skin on her arm when she went rigid and pleaded that he stopped.

When he tried to tell her she was being too soft on her muscles and tried to experiment more, Breanna called him heartless and practically ran from him: bringing them to the current situation they were now in.

"You know I wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you." Gillies mutters, receiving nothing but silence from Breanna. She lifted her legs up to her body and stayed facing away from him.

He lets out a groan, annoyed with her actions and walks over to the other side of the bed, giving her an irritated stare. "Look, Breanna, I was trying something-" Gillies stops when he notices Breanna crying. She looks away from him, not meeting his eye.

"You're crying?" he asks in shock. "Why?"

"Why do you think?" Breanna hisses. Gillies stares in shock at the anger in her voice. He hadn't seen her angry before. 

He bends down on his knees, looking up at her in confusion. "Was it too much?"

He observes how she holds her arm and frowns. Gillies reaches forward and Breanna retreats from him, not wanting him to see her arm. He gives her a cold stare, moving forward again, this time gripping her arm.

Gillies brings it away from her other arm, exposing where he had experimented. His eyes widen at the massive black bruise on the part of her arm he had practically wrenched between his hands. His eyes travel down to the part of her arm he cut, and he sees blood still oozing out, but it too looked bruised.

Her arm shook terribly. Instead of feeling proud of knowing what causes Breanna pain, Gillies felt guilt wash over him as he looked up to her eyes, which she still avoided.

"Breanna look at me," he says. She gives her head a little shake and he clenches his jaw. "Breanna."

She takes in a deep breath and looks over at him, her eyes red and full of pain and anger. She uses her now free hand to try to wipe the tears from her face before she looks back at him.

"Is this what you wanted out of me? Is this type of pain what you needed from me?" 

Gillies goes to say something but stops himself, letting out a sigh, putting his other hand over Breanna's. 

"I didn't think this was going to happen," Gillies admits and Breanna sniffles. "But look at the bright side. You know two more things that hurt your muscles that you didn't before."

"I could've lived my whole life without figuring that out." She mutters. Gillies nodded in agreement with her, understanding the point she made.

"True, you could have, but you didn't," he looks her in the eye. "So what are you going to do about it now?"

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