When you hate someone

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Okay, fuck. This one gets on my nerves like you have no damn idea.

So picture this scenario: I hate you.

What your first instinct?


See, ladies and gentlemen, that's how the world fucking revolves.

But what the hell is it with clingy strangers?

I'm over here in my all black everything and piercings and chains which I figured would be enough for conservative fucks to leave me alone

But no

And they approach me

I don't immediately turn them away.  Of course not. I'm not like that; I get to know them first.

Okay,  if I end up liking you,  that's great!  Bad situations avoided. We hang out and have a grand 'ol fucking blast.

In the more likely case that I DON'T like you (because I usually hate everyone) you will fucking know.

Trust me. TRUST ME.

In that situation, as stated above, pissing off is what SHOULD happen.

I hate you.

Leave me alone.

Where the fuck did you even come from?

But there are those people who obviously didn't understand the message (or did and ignored it) and are persistent as hell

It's like they need you to draw air into their lungs

They never leave your fucking side and insist on being your friend whether you like them or not


That door


See it?

It's calling for you

Go to it.

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