Losing stuff

142 23 21

Well. Fuck.

I lose things all the motherflipping time.

Like, if I drop something or an item rolls of my desk (like a writing utensil) it doesn't go to the floor.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't even fucking make it that far.

My theory is that before it even hits the ground it drops straight into a different motherfucking dimension

Like fuck

Or I find it later halfway across the goddamn room

Or behind my bed

And once, I found my LGBT pen ON THE FAN

Although I was probably on something when that one happened

Do you guys ever lose things only to recover it YEARS LATER, just casually in the carpet when you've vacuumed the carpeting thousands of times since then?


Comment the craziest thing that's happened to you ^-^

Later my beautifuls,


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