34| Let Go

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Double Update!

(author-nim was listening to all heart breaking songs by bts, so don't blame me for the emotional turmoil in this chapter)

Heartbreak and pain was evident in the air that surrounded them. Light sobs were heard from Zooni while Zain continued to cried silently, cursing himself internally for causing so much agony to his Chanda.

Men weren't supposed to cry but when a person was shattered and pained how could anyone stop the tears that does not need anyone's permission to exist? So he was crying, crying for all the sufferings Zooni had went through because of him. Crying for his Chanda's lost innocence and laughter he haven't heard in ages.

Where was she? The free-spirited, jolly Zooni that would warm anyone's day with a simple smile? Surely her beauty was like that of a moon's, white and pure, but she was blessed with the warmth and shade of a sun that kept coldness at bay. But now the same Zooni was basking in sea full of cold water, her heart now caged in her own chest. The door to it's chambers closed and locked for any intruders who can possibly hurt her. The same heart where only Zain once resided was now empty and in search of a itself so he had to let go.

Zain at the very moment decided to suffer atleast an ounce of pain Zooni had gone through while loving him. It had scarred her, her love for him, for Zain and hence he will be the only one to bring back happiness to her even if it meant letting her go.

'I'm sorry' he spoke after a long defeaning silence, 'I curse myself for being the reason of your tears and agony. I would never intentionally hurt you but I did and so I deserve this. I made mistakes, huge mistakes because of which you're not mine but I love you. I want to see you happy so I won't stop you from leaving but I'm not letting you go from my heart. I will hold on to even the slightest of hope. I will wait for you to accept me, with all the mistakes I committed, forgive me for making you cry and choosing me when the time is right but I will wait even if it means an eternity I will wait for you.' he cupped both side of her cheeks and leaned closer meeting his forehead with hers. Zooni closed her eyes, listening to his erratic heartbreak. The touch lasted only a second and she had wanted more but wasn't going to admit.

Taking few steps back, Zain wiped away the tears from his face and forced a smile, 'May Allah help you find your way towards yourself and may that way lead you to me. I will pray for your safety and for your wellbeing' with those words he made an exit, away from her life. And if they aren't meant to be together then this was going to be his last words. But he bore hope in him and trusted the Almighty for planning what's best for him and Zooni. If her happiness is without him then he would happily back down and let her live her own life in the way she wants.

Zooni that night was a crying mess, she was numb and felt her soul leaving her for good. Her knees has given up once her feet touched the soft praying mat. She broke another promise, a vow she made to herself to never cry for him but Zooni saw herself in his eyes when they saddened at the love that wasn't returned back and it saddened her heart to see Zain breaking, slowly, but still breaking and Zooni would never had wanted that.

But was she supposed to love him back taken the situations presented to her? It was all her fault for breaking her sister's marriage and she would forever regret falling in love and being the reason for snatching away her own blooded sister's happiness.

Will she ever be able to forgive herself?


It was finally the day of her departure, though a few days later than her original flight because Amirah had chosen a college in California so Zooni had postponed her flight with the same date as Amirah's so that both the sisters could leave together. Relief washed over her soul when Amirah had talked to her and told her how happy she was after being accepted in her dream college.

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