Chapter 12

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                                                           "Standing up for a Friend"

                                   (A/N: This chapter is dedicated to a very special fan who has done most of the covers for my stories. I just want to thank her as much as i can! I really appreciate all that she has done for me!)

            I woke up on Monday morning in a groggy mood. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t even want to move. After a minute I slowly rolled my body out of the bed and walked over to throw open my closet. I quickly changed before grabbing my phone and some cash and heading down the stairs. I grabbed a pop tart out of the kitchen before going out and getting in my car.

            It only took me five minutes to get to the school. When I climbed out of my car I was still eating my pop tart and not paying attention. I grabbed my bag out of the back before making my way towards the school. It wasn’t until I was a few feet away that I realized that Jason and his friends were waiting for me. I slowly made my way towards them and one of them smiled at me once I reached them.

            “Are you waiting for me,” I asked Jason.

            “Yeah,” he said with a nod as he reached down and wrapped me in a hug.

            “Why,” I asked once he pulled back.

            “I have no clue. I just wanted to wait for you,” he said with a shrug.

            “At least he isn’t watching you from the bushes anymore,” Brantley said with a snicker.      

            “What,” I asked with a small smile.

            “He actually did that one time,” Marcus confirmed.

            “We agreed that we would never talk about that,” Jason said with his face beet red.

            “You really did that,” I asked as I tucked my hands into my back pockets.

            “Yes. Once. Now forget about it,” he told me sounding completely embarrassed.

            “I can’t believe that,” I said as I laughed.

            “I was really obsessed for a while,” he admitted.

            “You still are,” Tyson said as he nudged Brantley.

            “Enough of that,” Jason said as he took my hand to lead me away.

            “That’s hilarious. I never knew you had that big of a crush on me,” I said.

            “It was a problem. I’m not that bad anymore. And just for the record, when I was in the bushes I was like thirteen,” he said as he smiled down at me.

            “So you were a little less mature,” I said with a nod.

            “I just didn’t know how to go about talking to you,” he said with a shrug.

            “I wasn’t that hard to talk to. In fact I was a pretty nice person,” I told him.

            “I know but just being around you made my hands sweat,” he said with a dramatic shudder.

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