Chapter 6

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                                                "Another Idea"

            I relaxed in the porch swing and stared out across the road. I could see cars passing and people walking down the sidewalk. They all looked so happy. They knew nothing could touch them in their little bubble. I envied them for it.

            I wanted to be normal. Just for one day. I wanted to have friends and go out. I wanted to enjoy my senior year. Sometimes I would look at the other kids and I would get jealous. It was one of the few emotions that I was used to. Some people just didn’t know how good they had it.

            “Hey,” I heard. I turned my head to see that Luke had sat beside me.


            “What are you doing out here,” he asked.

            “It’s peaceful.”

            “I can get that,” he said with a nod.

            “I can actually think out here,” I told him.

            “Well what are you thinking about,” he asked as he rocked us back and forth.

            “Just the situation that I’m in,” I said with a sigh.

            “We’ll fix it. It’ll just take some time,” he said.

            “Do you want to go back,” I asked as I looked over at him.

            “Not really,” he said with a shrug.

            “Why not,” I asked.

            “My life isn’t going so well right now,” he said with a sad frown.

            “It gets better,” I told him.

            “You watched the movie,” he asked.

            “Well duh. That’s how I got you out in the first place,” I said.

            “Oh right,” he said nodding.

            “Nothing is ever as bad as it seems,” I said as I looked up at the sky.

            “So you still think about Axel,” he asked.

            “Every day.”

            “Do you know why he did what he did?”

            “No. He seemed happy. He had good grades, a great family, and plenty of friends. I guess he was good at hiding it,” I said as I felt tears come into my eyes.

            “How did you find out,” he asked after a minute.

            “I found him.”

            “You did,” he asked with wide eyes.

            “I was coming to visit. We had a paper to write. When I walked in I found him.”

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