Chapter 10

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                                                            "Into the Movie?"

            I woke up and walked down the stairs to get something to drink. It was a Saturday morning and I had nothing to do. I figured that I could call Jason later and we could work on getting Luke back in the movie. I didn’t really want him to leave but I knew that he needed to go in order for everything to be right again.

            I hit the bottom step and heard the TV on. I knew that John was at work and Nora spent the night with her friend so no one should be here. I walked around the corner and saw two heads sitting on the couch. A blonde one and a black haired one. Of course.

            “What are you doing here,” I asked with my hands on my hips.

            “Clary,” Jason said as he jumped to his feet. He looked me up and down before smiling at me.

            “What are you doing here,” I asked again.

            “I came to see you but Luke said that you were still asleep,” he told me.

            “So what have you been doing,” I asked Luke.

            “Watching cartoons,” Luke said with a childish grin.

            “Of course,” I said as I turned to walk into the kitchen. I was really thirsty.

            “So why did you sleep so late,” Jason asked as him and Luke followed me.

            “Because Luke was sleeping like a stupid person last night so I didn’t get much sleep. He kept kicking me and rolling on top of me and taking the blankets,” I said as I sent Luke a mean look.

            “Sorry,” Luke said with a sheepish grin.

            “You guys sleep together,” Jason asked with a frown.

            “Yeah,” Luke said nodding.

            “Is that really appropriate,” Jason asked with a flash of anger in his eyes.

            “Why wouldn’t it be,” I asked him as I sat down beside Luke.

            “Because he’s a boy in your bed,” he said as he glared over at Luke.

            “Are you jealous,” Luke asked him with a smirk.

            “No,” he said as his glare got more intense.

            “Yes he is,” Luke told me.

            “Apparently,” I said as I watched Jason.

            “Go away Luke,” Jason told him when his eyes connected to mine.

            “Fine,” Luke said with a sigh as he got up and walked out.

            “Why did you make him leave,” I asked Jason as he came closer to me.

            “Because I am jealous and I didn’t want him to know,” he said seriously.

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