Chapter 9

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                                                            "A Guest"

            I walked down the stairs in my pajamas. I hardly ever wore them because they consisted of short shorts and a tank top. Everything else was dirty though so I didn’t have anything else to wear. Plus no one else was here. It was just me and Nora. And of course Luke but I didn’t really count him.

            “What are we gonna do,” Nora asked.

            “I don’t know. What do you want to do,” I asked.

            “Watch a movie,” she said.

            “Sure. Just not the one from the other day,” I told her.

            “Ok,” she said as she ran over to the movie case.

            “Your sister loves you,” Luke said as he came up behind me.

            “I know,” I said with a sigh.

            “It’s good that you’re hanging out with her,” he said.

            “I like hanging out with her,” I said with a shrug.

            “I can tell,” he said with a smile. Then I heard the doorbell ring.

            “Who could that be,” I mumbled to myself as I walked over to the door. I threw it open to see Jason standing on the other side. His eyes roamed up and down my body before he looked at my face.

            “Hey,” he said with a smile.

            “What are you doing here,” I asked.

            “I’m bored,” he said as he held out a tulip to me.

            “So you came here,” I asked as I took the flower from him and looked down at it.

            “I wanted to hang out with you,” he said with a shrug.

            “Come on in,” I said as I stepped back.

            “Thanks and I’m really liking your outfit,” he said as he looked at my legs.

            “It was all that was clean,” I said as I shifted.

            “Well I’m thankful for laundry day,” he said with a laugh.

            “Just come on. My sister and Luke are in here,” I said as walked around him to go into the living room.

            “So what is this? A girls day,” he asked.

            “I guess you could say that,” I said with a nod.

            “So I’m crashing,” he asked as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

            “Yes,” I said as I shrugged him off.

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