- mr.CEO

32 4 8

Requested by: earthdownneptune

"My resume!!" Lami ran everywhere as she kept finding her resume for her new job, as a CEO's secretary.

She looked at the bathroom but found none, also at her bedroom but found none.

"IM GOING TO BE LAAATE !!" She screamed as she brushed her hair while finding the resume.

"Okay Sungkyung, breathe in and breathe out" Lami took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

It revealed a refrigerator.

"You are my only chance, don't ruin my day" she murmured and slowly opened the fridge's door.

She looked inside and saw an envelope inside.


Her eyes wide and mouth agape, she quickly took the envelope and ran to her room to do a retouch.

She applied a bit of baby powder, tint and combed her hair neatly. She took her sling bag and dusted her clothes.

"Ready to go" she said and walked confidently wearing her white heel, mini white skirt and baby blue long sleeved polo complementing her black straight hair and face whose beauty never folds.

She flipped her hair before walking out towards the bus stop, she walked in last with one tall professional looking guy and one maniac guy looking at her intensely.

She walked in and saw no available seats so she just stood up and held the pole beside her.

She plugged in her earphones and listened to some random music.

Lami enjoyed her ride not until she felt someone touching her bare thighs.

Her eyes widened and looked around, the first guy she saw was the professional looking one and glared at him but he didn't notice it as she is too small.

She looked infront with her eyes looking at each side, trying to catch the maniac.

She again felt someone holding her thighs and quickly looked behind her.

"Are you a maniac?!" She shouted.

The man looked at her confused and said "excuse me?" before coughing.

"Don't you dare excuse me excuse me you!! I accuse you as that maniac who kept holding my thigh!! Aren't you?!" She glared at him with her voice raising each word.

He looked at her amused.

"I'm sorry but as a decent man that I am, I will never hold any parts of your body except bumping so don't you ever accuse me if you don't have a proper evidence" he argued.

Lami snickered before holding his collar leaning her face near him.

"Shut your mouth or else I'll sue you for being a maniac on me" she muttered.

She looked at his nametag and continued "Mister Jisung Park" , mot continuing the sentence below his nametag .

She pushed him and walked out of the bus since her stop is already there.

She took her comb from her sling bag and combed her hair, she took her mirror and smiled presentably.

Full of confidence, she professionally walked in the front desk with her hair flying behind her.

"Excuse me? May I know where should I give my resume? I'm the newky hired Secretary of CEO Park" she said.

The woman infront smiled sweetly at Lami and held out her hand to recieve the resume and gave her the ID.

"Thank you" she softly said and bowed before walking the elevator.

She looked at her ID, it says 7th Floor Room 07 Kim Sungkyung Secretary of CEO Park.

She smiled widely but it faded when she saw the same person who she thought is holding her thighs.

She rolled her eyes before walking out as soon at it lifted to the 7th floor, he also did the same.

Her brows knitted as he walked in the CEO's room, she did the same and found him arranging his collar and neck tie before looking at her as he smirked.

"Mr.Park!! Let me introduce you to your new secretary, Kim Sungkyung" one person walked in and pointed at Lami.

She gulped as she saw him smile widely.

"Hello Miss Kim" Jisung said and opened his palm, Lami accepted it as she is sweating like crazy.

'Is this my end?' She thought

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