- pads

54 8 3

"ChenJi oppaaaa!!" Lami called the duo, who were watching an online game tournament on TV.

The boys turned their head to Lami's room which is just behind their sofa.

"What?" They both said at the same time, waiting for a response.

"Just come here!!" She shouted back, clutching her Xiumin pillow.

The two rolled their eyes and walked towards Lami's room. Chenle came in first followed by Jisung.

Lami looked at them with tears on her eyes. "Help me" she whispered, the two heard it.

The sat beside the young one, Chenle stroking Lami's hair and Jisung sitting infront her.

"Is there something wrong Kyung?" Jisung asked the younger as she kept clutching her Xiumin pillow.

"My stomach hurts" she said. Chenle replied with a hum and continued stroking her hair.

"Do you need anything to lessen the pain?" Chenle said

Lami sniffed and said "I need my napkins, I'm on my period"

Chenle accidentally pulled Lami's hair and Jisung frozed.

"OUCH YOU DIMWIT MY PRETTY HAIR" Lami winced in pain as she clutched her pillow harder.

Jisung stifled his laugh as he saw the scenario. Chenle glared at the other boy making him zip his mouth.

"Just buy me my pads and the pain would be gone you motherfruskers" Lami said angrily and kicked Jisung.

"OW! wHAT KIND OF MOOD TWIST IS THIS?" Jisung winced in pain as he's holding his leg. That kick is from a Blue belter, beware.

"HAHAHAHHAHA what a kick!!" Chenle said and laughed like a dolphin, a cute dolphin laugh.

"IF BOTH OF YOU WOULDN'T BE BACK AT EXACTLY 15 MINUTES THEN BOTH OF YOU WOULD DIE EARLY SO GET OUT AND BUY MY PADS" Lami shouted making the two scramble themselves and ran outside to the exit door.

"Dang Lami surely has a ghost of a T-Rex inside her huh?" Jisung said as he walked towards the nearest store.

"Bet it" Chenle replied with both of his hands on his pocket.

"Wait stop" Jisung halted which made Chenle do the same.


"What pads do she need? How many? What brand? And what size?" Jisung said which made the other wide-eyed and faced the taller.

"You know what? Kun-gesaidheneedmerightnow so gotta go bye!!" Chenle rapped and ran towards the opposite direction, which is Kun's house opposite side.

"What on earth?" Jisung said and just sighed.

'You can do this, you can do this-' he thought as he is now infront of the convenience store.

He stepped in and thought 'who said I can do it? bye'

But before he could step outside, he saw the cashier stare at him so he decided to just buy the pads Lami needed.

He looked through the isle and saw a huge pile of pads, different brands and sizes.

He gulped and picked one, which is the small size, its a panty liner actually.

He gulped again and walked towards the counter. He placed the pads infront of the cashier trembling.

"Oh- uh- i-i can I b-buy this? I mean these aren't mine- I mean why would this be mine? I mean-" he got cutted off when the cashier talked.

"Are these for your sister?" She asked and Jisung nodded, still trembling.

'We aren't siblings but I guess I just need to nod to stop myself from embarrassment'

'Lami you'll pay for this you dimwit'

He thought

"So uhm may I know her age?" The cashier asked

"Oh u-uhm she's 18?" He replied and mentally slapped himself.

'She's still 17 you scumbag' he thought again.

"Okay, so uhm I would recommend this brand and size, would you like to change your order sir?" She said and he nodded furiously and took out his money then gave it to the cashier.

He bowed to the cashier and ran to their house to give these to Lami.

He stepped inside Lami's room and found her accompanied by Chenle. 'This scumbag' he thought.

"YAH YOU SCUMBAG! YOU LEFT ME THERE!" Jisung shouted at Chenle and he just gave a peace sign.

Lami stole the pads and ran to her room's C.R.

Jisung just rolled his eyes and sat beside Chenle.

"Hey Ji, look how brave of you to buy those HAHAHHAHAHA" Chenle teased the younger as Jisung made a sour face to the other, not bothering to reply.

Lami got out of the C.R and yawned, crawled back to her bed and stared at the wall.

"Hey you freak, you didn't even bothered to say Thank You to me" Jisung said and flicked Lami's forehead.

"You also didn't say Thank you when I bought you tteokbokki because you are starving" Lami retorted and sat on her bed.

The two glared at each other as Chenle stared at the two, trying himself not to laugh.

'They're at it again' he thought.

Lami stood up and faced her bed and jumped towards it, her face landing her fluffy pillow and her hands both on each edge of the bed.

Jisung made himself comfortable and laid beside Lami whereas Chenle also did the same, while scrolling through his phone.

"Sing for me" Lami said as she is now facing the ceiling with her hands on her stomach, looking like a sleeping beauty with her eyes open.

"Okay" Chenle replied as Jisung stared at the two.

He saw a few details of Lami's face.
Ugly eyes, ugly nose, ugly lips, ugly forehead and cute dimples. Whereas he also got a few details of Chenle's features, cute eyes, nose, and cute whiskers.

Yep that's what friends are for, insulting the girl and complimenting the boy. Cool right?

Chenle played an instrumental of 'Best Part'

" You're the coffee that I need in the morning
You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring
Won't you give yourself to me
Give it all, oh
I just wanna see
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part" he sang beautifully.

Jisung just stared at the ceiling with a sleeping Lami beside him.

He stared again at the sleeping Lami and thought 'well, she's pretty when asleep'

Chenle stopped singing and gave a teasing look at Jisung when he caught him staring at the sleeping beauty.

"I look like the Malificent looking at the love birds here psh" Chenle teased with his brows going up and down.

Jisung just jokingly puked and chuckled.

"Her? She's too ugly HAHAHAHH just kiddin, she's not even that close to my type tho" Jisung replied and shrugged, going back to laying down.

Chenle also shrugged and laid down beside the girl but smiled when he heard Jisung saying "cause she is my type"

'You sly motherfrusker' Chenle thought and drifted into the dreamland and so as Jisung.

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