- anemic coconut

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Jisung is now done filming for their debut song chewing gum and is the last one to finish his solo clips.

He is now heading towards their dance studio to practice by himself since his hyungs are busy about something he didn't know.

He walked inside the studio and found a girl laying at the cold floor, staring at the wall.

"Yah Kim Sungkyung when are you gonna leave this room? I need to practice" Jisung said and walked towards the girl.

Lami noticed the boy and stood up, she rubbed her eyes as it became blurry when she stood up.

Jisung is now infront of Lami and when she removed her hands, she began to laugh hysterically.


Jisung got confused so he touched his face if anything went wrong.

Lami pointed at the boy's hair and laughed again, clutching her stomach.


Jisung stood there frozen, he took his hat and wore it and pointed at the girl.

"y-yahh atleast I get to debut unlike you, you idiot psh" he said and rolled his eyes.

Lami's mood turned 360° and suddenky glared at Jisung. She raised one of her brows and her hands on her waist.

"And what about it? Atleast I don't look like an anemic coconut right now" sassily she said. And glared at the older.

The two went into a glaring fight.

"So about your hair, did you like it? Looking like an anemic coconut?" Lami started.

"Oh and about your debut, did you heard anything about it? I guess not" Jisung said which made Lami fume in anger.

She didn't held in herself anymore, she began started taking off the boy's hat and grabbed his hair.

Jisung got alarmed and also grabbed Lami's hair. Both of them went left to right of fighting.

"You crossed the line Park, you deserve this." Lami said and slapped Jisung's arm.

The other felt numb and did a revenge, he carried Lami to his shoulders and ran around the studio.

"YOU STUPID PUT ME DOWN" the girl slapped and punched Ji's back but the other didn't bulge and continued to run.

Lami couldn't think of anything but then an idea popped into her head.

She kicked Jisung's stomach which made both of them fall hard on the floor.

"OUCH" both of them exclaimed.

Jisung noticed that Lami is on top of him so he pushed the younger to the left side making her wince in pain as her back hit Jisung's left arm.

"You'll be a dead meat once we meet again Park, remember that." Lami pointed out at Jisung's eyes, still laying on the floor with Jisung's arm at her back.

"You'll be dead too dimwit" Jisung answered and glared at Lami.

Jisung stood up making Lami's back stumble to the ground. "OW!" she winced.

"That's what you get for insulting my precious hair"

Lami stood up with her right hand on her back. "I hate you" she said.

"I hate you too" Jisung replied and a second later, they both laughed.

What a crazy friendship right?

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