He wasn't sure if he felt like a genius or the stupidest person on the planet.

"Are-" he started asking a question. But it was her turn to interrupt.

"That was three," she quickly said, still in a state of shock.

"Just one more," he sighed, not wanting the cold Midnight back or the conversation to end.

"No," she muttered. The phrase would make anyone shut up and look down, too intimidated to face her, but all he did was see a challenge.

"I'll beg, Diavola," he told her with his lip curving upwards.

"Then beg," she spoke her face laced with mischief but no emotion. In a split second, he sucked in a breath of air in preparation for his proclamation. He got down on his knees and held her hands.

"PLEASE, PLEASE. JUST ONE MORE QUESTION. I WILL-" he shouted at the top of his lungs making the birds from the trees fly away.

Midnight literally had the Don on his knees, just as he once predicted.

"Fine," she sighed, her face calm and unfazed like a man hadn't just got down on his knees and begged for her. He got up and dusted the leaves off of his pants.

"You're letting this get too far but at the same time, you deny and refuse any chance we have. Why?" he confronted. She was taken aback immediately but respected his bluntness.

Yes, he had been very blunt today.

First, killing more than two hundred people, asking about the King, and then this.

He was on a bravery streak.

She looked in his eyes for a certain truth. The truth that he wanted her. But she couldn't find it, no matter how deep she looked. In honesty, it was there...but he hid it very well.

"Common sense. I'm your enemy and you are mine. And it's the King's order," she said not showing an ounce of emotion.

"The attraction is there. You just won't acknowledge it," he admitted. She balled her fists as she hears what she thought were lies.

"You are not attracted to me. You are attracted to my reputation. You know nothing about me to be "attracted" to me," she answered calmly.

"It's more than that," he retorted. She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips.

"No, it's not. You want me because it would look good to others," she deadpanned, not an emotion to be found.

She was just so...deadly calm.

He went to touch her waist again and tell her how he felt but no words came out. She got off of the trunk and started walking towards the driver's side after closing it.

Smoke filled the air and she knew the firefighters would come any second.

Just as she was about to open the door he turned her around forcefully and pinned her against the car harshly, forgetting about her wounds. His body somehow suppressed the pain as he pressed against her chest.

"You're wrong. If these things are true then why does the King "order" you otherwise?" he scowled, dangerously low. She turned away, unable to form a response. He inched closer to her, waiting for an answer.

"I can't answer that," she muttered. He scoffed and clenched his jaw. Frustration growing, she mustered a response.

"I am not an object for anyone to use and show off. If you want me then act like it," she rolled her eyes, her tone smoky and unwavering.

She pushed him off and got inside after hearing sirens. She started the G-wagon and looked back at him. With that she drove off to the private jet she took here without sparing another glance.

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