Chapter 5

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Prince’s POV:

Her house looked like how I always pictured it. Considering her dad was a real estate agent and “health guru” I expected her house to be neat and organized. All the furniture matched the paint and pictures were carefully hung up on every wall.

I gazed around at every picture of (YN), she looked beautiful even from young. Her tiny, childish body had been replaced with a petite, slight curved one. I glanced at her for a second to admire the change but she was already staring at me. When our eyes met she cleared her throat and straightened her body for a second before speaking.

“Um make yourself at home. My dad is gone so you don’t have to worry about dealing with him. My room is down the hallway, we’ll probably have to share my bed but I mean it’s queen sized so it should be big enough for us…”

I smiled gently and nodded, turning my attention back to the pictures of her hung up on the walls. I could feel her stare lingering on my skin until she turned around and headed in the direction of her bedroom.

Oh god why does she keep staring at me! I stressed to myself silently. Did she regret inviting me? Should I speak up…make conversation? Did she recognize me as her stalker? Fuck. I paced back in forth in frustration as thoughts and ideas clouded my mind. Suddenly I heard footsteps come up behind me, cutting my train of thought.

“Shit!” I screamed turning around to face (YN). She had a towel and clothes in her hand and my outburst caused her to drop them all on the floor.

“Sorry Prince! I just came in to tell you I was going to take a shower; I didn’t mean to scare you.” She exclaimed in embarrassment. She got down on her knees to pick up her dropped items and I dropped down to her level to help out. 

“No, its fine I was just thinking.” I replied picking up some of her stuff.

“You seem like you think a lot.” She whispered glancing up at me. Her face was only inches from mine when she spoke and her eyes were burning into mine. My skin felt like it was about leap off my body as the seconds ticked by but I quickly dropped the gaze and focused back on picking up all the clothes. I hurriedly continued picking up her articles of clothing until my hand came into contact with her panties. Leopard print with hot pink lace, girls only wear underwear like that if they want someone to see it. My hands began shaking as I picked them up and handed them to her.

“Sorry.” She squealed snatching them from me. She got back up on her feet and turned, heading in the direction of the bathroom.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Just watch some TV or something.” She said closing the bathroom door.

I stood staring at the closed door for a few minutes until I heard the shower turn on and noticed the steam seeping out from the bottom of the door.  The thought of the hot water splashing down her beautiful body, and dripping through her curly hair was making it impossible to stand still.

Go in there! I heard a voice yell in my head. I knew better than to listen to all the voices in my head, they were crazy and hard to anticipate. I shook my head and began to talk to myself, replying back to the voice.

“No, no I can’t go in there!” I whimpered under my breath. I pushed back my curly hair in frustration as I stomped my foot down in anger. I hated these voices, they ruined everything!

Go in the kitchen, get a large knife and slit her fucking throat! Another voice echoed.

“No!” I whispered pushing my body up against the wall. My savagely banged my fists against my head until a few of the voices stopped.

She- (MB Edition)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon