Chapter 7

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Prince’s POV:

I ran through the darkness of the woods as fog surrounded me, clouding my eye sight just as much as my mind. Dried blood covered my hands and fingernails and splatters of blood were all over my mask. I pulled t off and shoved it in my pocket as I ran until I became lost in the middle of the woods. I slammed my back into a tree and sulked down until my butt touched the earth floor.

“What the fuck am I doing?” I whispered to myself as I slammed my fists against the floor. I slowly picked up one of my hands and looked at all the blood covering my hands. The image of the kitten clawing and whining as I dug my fingers into its eye sockets popped into my head and I shut my eyes.

“Please go away, please go away!” I repeated over and over again, as if the image could hear me.

You did good Prince a voice whispered in my head, cutting through the silence that once lingered.

“No, I’m a fucking monster and it’s all your fault!” I yelled shaking my head from side to side, attempting to rid myself of the deep, evil voice.

Now all you have to do is rip out that bitch, (YN)’s eyes! Another voice added with a cackling laugh.

“No, no, no, no, no!” I repeated over and over again as tears of frustration dripped down my cheeks.

Just imagine her screams as you rip out her eyes, just imagine all the blood

“Stop! Please leave me alone!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I began to repeatly bang my head against the tree trunk until the voices began to disappear; only leaving behind small echoes and murmurs.

I pulled the green mask out my pocket and stared at it. It was like my alter ego staring back at me. Part of me was kind and peaceful but another part of me just wanted to kill and torture people. Part of me wanted to live a happy life with a big family but another part of me wanted to rip apart bodies, stalk people, and live alone.

Part of me wanted to protect and love (YN) but other, stronger part of me wanted to torture her until she loved me like I loved her. I stared back at the mask as if I was staring in a mirror and then placed it back in my pocket.  I wasn’t ready to be sane yet.

End Of Prince’s POV:

Police officers surrounded you in your living room as you retold them for the millionth time what happened with the box. The box was now at the police station being examined for DNA meanwhile you were being questioned again. You had already written down, recorded, and explained what happened and you were beginning to feel irritated.

“Look are you guys going to get whoever did this arrested?” you exclaimed jumping up from the couch.

“Miss can you please calm down.” An officer replied, laying his hand on your shoulder. You quickly slapped it off and glared at him.

“No, I won’t calm down! There’s some guy in a green mask stalking me, and now he’s leaving dead animals at my door step! Like I said, I saw him looking through my window two nights ago with some stupid camera!”

“Where you able to see the person’s face?” another officer with a clipboard asked.

“Like I said, HE HAD ON A GREEN MASK!” you screamed in frustration.

“Do you have the camera?” the officer from before inquired.

“Yes actually! The guy dropped it before when he was running off! I’ll be right back.” You shouted excitedly as you ran to your room. The camera had totally slipped your mind when the incident with the cat happened.

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