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A night of Seokjin during his pregnancy

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A night of Seokjin during his pregnancy

Jungkook closed the door of his office before heading towards the penthouse. He just got home from a tiring day at work and its already midnight. He also have checked the casino and resort already and had a meeting with the personal staff.

Its not that he is not used to it but its that his secretary Irene, is taking a leave for personal reason. As much as he wants to work his casino he wants to rest early. He is assured that his husband is also asleep during this hours.

He pulled out his key card before opening the door of his penthouse. Jungkook got surprised when he saw Seokjin standing on the hallway wearing his oversized RJ pajama set while holding his RJ stuffed toy. His bloated belly is sticking out as Seokjin was pouting at him.

Jungkook raised a brow at him, "Why are you still awake?" He closed the door behind him.

"I can't sleep so I decided to wait for you" Seokjin grinned as Jungkook walked closely to him.

"I thought Yoongi and Hoseok is with you." Jungkook sighed before kissing Seokjin's forehead.

"Well...I let them go because I wanna be alone." Seokjin chuckled, "And they also have personal lives Jungkook. You shouldn't trap them to babysit me." He continued.

"I offered bodyguards to guard you then you complained because they won't talk, and now you also don't need your friends?" Jungkook replied.

Before Yoongi and Hoseok is with Seokjin the whole day, Jungkook hired a bodyguard to accompany Seokjin wherever he goes and to know the locations. Seokjin got bored out with the guard so Jungkook throw him away and added his friends.

"I want you Kookie." Seokjin said pulling Jungkook into a hug.

"I really wondered how much you pay those two to guard me." Seokjin looks up to Jungkook.

"More than what they earned." Jungkook claimed Seokjin's lips.


"How was work?" Seokjin glanced Jungkook who is already in the bed, looking sleepy.

"Its...tiring." Jungkook replied, "Irene is taking her leave so I have to deal with everything alone." He said.

Seokjin walked towards the bed and gets in with Jungkook. The two of them just got out from the shower and he can really tell how tired Jungkook is, he can't open his eyes anymore.

"I wish I could get back to work so I can help you." Seokjin slightly pouts facing Jungkook.

Jungkook glanced before shifting his body to also face Seokjin, "Do you really want to become my personal assistant though?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I really like exploring works I didn't try before. Its just pretty challenging for me." Seokjin smiled.

"But don't worry. I will go back to work after all of this." Seokjin continued.

"Hmm.." Jungkook hummed in respond, his eyelids already closed.

Seokjin noticed it and raised a brow, "Did I bore you?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

This made Jungkook open half-lid and looks at Seokjin before chuckling. The older finds him really cute when they are in bed together.

"No no..." Jungkook replied, "Its just that, I can't usually fell asleep everynight." He said looking at Seokjin.

"But whenever im with you, I happen to fall asleep rather quickly." Jungkook said in almost a whisper before going to sleep.

A gentle smile formed Seokjin's lips when Jungkook said that. He is certain that Jungkook has insomnia before because of the stress he have at work, but he is also surprised how he create a big change in his husbands life.

Seokjin slowly reached out to Jungkook to cup his cheek and gently caress it. The last time he did this is when Jungkook took him at his room when he was drunk and its like...a feeling of nostalgia, but a better version.

"Thank you for showing me this part of you." Seokjin whispered.

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