The image of Seokjin just laying there comes back to his head. "I tried so many times to open my door, but it was stuck. Jin wouldn't wake up. I just sat there thinking of what to do. Then, I heard the beeping."

Namjoon and Jungkook's eyes both widen at the same time. "It sounded like a bomb. My mind started racing and I went to the backseats. The door there wasn't jammed. So, I got out. Got Jin out and ran to this tree that was far away. I lost my phone so I couldn't call anyone. Then, Jin said I was bleeding a lot. It was coming from my head. He put pressure on my wound and I closed my eyes," Taehyung finishes.

"You did a good job. Like a hero," Jungkook says with a small grin, trying to lighten up the mood. Namjoon puts a hand on his shoulder, nodding.

"A bomb? That does make sense. I'll have to check on that. Also, the jammed door," Namjoon tells him, deep in thought.

"Does Jin know about the bomb?" he asks. He doesn't want Seokjin to feel frighten. It's him who they're targeting. They both shake their heads.

"As far as he knows. You're just overwhelmed with work and weren't paying attention. Causing you to zone out," Jungkook tells him. Taehyung's shoulders slumps. So, he's the problem. It's alright. He doesn't want Jin to be scared.

"Well, I'm fine and this'll give you more info. When can I leave?" Taehyung hates to just sit in bed and do nothing.

"That depends on the doctor, Hero." Jungkook and Namjoon chuckles as Taehyung pouts.


Taehyung has to stay for a least three more days. Namjoon and Jungkook didn't stay long. V's parents came to visit for a bit. Now, he's left with just Seokjin. "Here's your dinner."

Seokjin puts a tray in front of him. He picks up the chopsticks and starts digging in. Meanwhile Seokjin sits on the chair by the bed watching him. Yet, when he looks at Seokjin. Seokjin would be looking elsewhere.

He thought Seokjin would go home by now. "You're not going home? It's late."

Seokjin shakes his head. "No, I'll stay with you." Taehyung felt the corners of his mouth lift a little. However, he didn't want Seokjin to take care of him all the time. Seokjin has a life too.

"I'm fine. You go home. Don't you have to go the restaurant tomorrow?" Taehyung tells him while munching his food.

Seokjin presses his lips together. "You're gonna be alone."

Taehyung chuckles at his comment. "So. I'm a grown man." He drinks the cup of water.

"I'll just stay here," Seokjin says loudly, almost demanding. Taehyung turns to Seokjin who is looking down.

"Fine." He puts his chopsticks down. "Then, can you feed me?" Taehyung grins widely as Seokjin looks up with a raised brow.

"I thought you said you were a grown man." Nonetheless, Seokjin grabs the chopsticks and starts grabbing the food. He brings it up to Taehyung's mouth which opens with no hesitation. He munches happily as Seokjin continues feeding him.

Night soon rolls around. After the nurse came to check on Taehyung, it was time to go to sleep. "You don't have a blanket or a pillow," Taehyung notices as Seokjin turns off the lights, except the lamp.

"It's not that cold. I'll be fine," Seokjin sits on the chair next to the bed. He leans back in his chair, closing his eyes.

Taehyung watches Seokjin, unsettled. He turns off the lamp and let the dark surround them. He closes his eyes and focuses on Seokjin's breathing. About twenty minutes later, Seokjin's breathing becomes even.

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