I jumped off my bed and ran down stairs picking up my car keys. Nobody really noticed me I think because Rachel is such a loud cryer, and if she wasn't crying she was cursing over Sam. I felt Quil's hand on my wrist.

"Look I can explain in the car but I can't explain here. My mum would freak if she found out we were leaving."

Quil nodded and shook Claire awake. "Hunny go to Billy and ask him to tell you a story."

Claire tipped her head to the side "No Qwilly and Aprol?"

Quil gave her a strained smile like he was in slight pain "No Quil and April. But I'll be back tonight to tuck you in okay".

Claire sniffed "you pwomise?"

"I pinky promise"

Oh come on already! Claire finally waddled away from us and I kid you not the Disease was on the verge of crying.

"Come on Quil! Let's go on an adventure".

I had parked my car in front of a empty red wooden house.

"Jakes? Your master plan is Jakes house?"

I smiled at him. "You bet your ass it is!. Now quick help me break in before Billy and Rachel come home."

I got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I could hear Quil talking to himself while still in the car. "Of course she does...help me commit a crime...I've got a great plan...it'll save as all...and yet we just end up at Jakes". 

After some more muttering he'd gotten out of the car and gave me a slight glare.

"So I just checked under the mat, no key. Do you know where they keep it?"

He gave me a 'your shitting me' look.

"Okay, well just help me break in".

"You know what? No. Not until you tell me what we're doing here". 

I looked at the trees suspiciously. "Do you think anyone's listening in?"

Quil put his hand up. I was quiet while he listened. He nodded and sighed. "I've got a way around that, but we'll have to be inside to make it work."

"Great" I nodded. This is good, my plan might work. We just need to get inside.

Quil gave me a smirk "So your telling me the great April Clearwater has never broken into a house before?" 

"Apparently not, if I had to ask you for help"

He mock sighed. "Well I guess they do say never meet your heroes. You know sometimes your rep gives you too much credit".

I smirked. "At least I have a rep". 

Quil just stuck his tongue out. I'd totally won. "You got a hair clip on you?"

I flipped my hair "Like this would ever be oppressed by hair clips"

He looked at me with a dumbfounded look. "Oppressed is used in terms of slavery idiot"

"Pssh Yeah, cause my hair was born to be free."

He shook his head."Whatever."

"I can't kick their door open can I?"

He snorted "Not if you want Sue to pay for the damages and ground you".

"Guess there goes smashing a window too".

"Gee you think?"

Quil then started lining their walls, looking for any places a key could fit in. I looked in the surrounding pot plants and under rocks. So far we'd been here for fifteen minutes and nothing. I knew Bella was going to give birth tomorrow or the day after...we were running out of time if Sam wanted to stop it developing. Even more so if he's immediately going to kill Jacob, Seth and Leah to get through. Time was definitely not our friend and I felt like we were wasting it. 

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