The end of the journey...

Start from the beginning

"Long... ago... cough... The final Piece was hid here. It kept me alive.. cough... no matter.. what I wanted. Kept.. cough.. the Balance like it demanded. Umbra.. cough.. finally able to... hack... cough... gather the rest. I shall... finally.. sleep. Umbra.. Will.. look.. after the Souls." Error shivered, and at the mention of Souls, everyone looked up to realize that the strings and Souls were gone.

"They're staying in my vaults." Umbra replied. "Unless they're needed."

"Why did we use such a cheesy death?" Shades asked, he was already bored with this.

"Because Solas saw it on a medical drama and he begged us to use it." Umbra muttered.

Solas, of course, was smug and he was enjoying the drama.

The little one was happily eating some popcorn that his Mama got for him, watching everything.

Searcher sadly smiled. "I don't want to say Goodbye..."

"All... Things.. end. Even the Multiverse." Error said, coughing up marrow. "Ink.. go.. cough.. to Umbra."

Searcher sniffed, before more tears fell from his eyesockets.

"Umbra..." Ink squeaked like a mouse.

"Squid..." Error chuckled.

"Couldn't you just stay alive and tell me?" Ink asked, hopeful at the thought of avoiding Umbra.

"I feel lovvved." Umbra snarked.

"Don't worry, we love you Big Brother." Solas said. "But I won't share my popcorn."

"Sorry... Had to say.. goodbye... Stay strong Goth..." Error said, and his form shattered into Dust, leaving his blue scarf behind.

"ERROR!" Goth screamed, grabbing the scarf and holding it close to his Soul as he cried.

"No... Error, you're not allowed to Dust! Who else can give me good fights and fun?!" Ink cried out in dismay.

"Yes.. the fights." Umbra said dryly, having phased out with the 'Dusting.'

"That's all that you cared about?!" Searcher yelled. "Good fights and fun?! He was so much more than that, and now, you'll never see that..."

"Goth..." Dream said quietly. "Death isn't something Ink actually understands, when he dies, he respawns in the Doodlesphere. To him, it means that people vanish, he doesn't have a Soul to understand it."

"But..." Searcher began, before he made it look like he was so upset that he couldn't continue his sentence.

"I know that it hurts, but Ink's paints can only do so much. I knew that when I fell in love with him, when I had Palette with him... and being Soulless means... he just can't connect with those things." Dream replied.

"How could you have Pally if Ink doesn't have a Soul?" Searcher said. "Shouldn't Pally have half a Soul, instead of a full Soul?"

"I was just relieved that he had a full Soul, none of us could figure it out." Dream sighed, he turned to look at Ink.

"Error..." Ink pouted.

"Ink, we should honor Error's final request right away." Dream told him, and Ink flinched.

"Now?" He asked.

"NOW!" Dream said, flatly.

"Yes dear.." Ink sighed.

Child of Death, Destroyer of WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now