The Ship has Sailed!

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Shades gently pulled over the carvings that he had removed from the walls of the ice temple, they were definitely magical as they were still cold to the touch.

He paused briefly as he came across a carving with the symbols for light and shadows overlapping each other, he placed that one down next to a series of carvings of what was apparently the story of Ink's soul being stolen.

Most of the carvings seemed to be of this, but unfortunately, none gave any hint of what face Fear was wearing.

There were still at least ten carvings that he still had to sort.

Searcher was in full research mode, he swore his other would be cooing over them if no one else was about.

The last ten carvings seemed to be of his first temple with the mosaic for earth, the second with ice.. but none for a third temple. The third one was a throne and light? And the forth one was a symbol for the void.. and...

He blinked, an image of Error, but with an image of himself or Ser as the Soul, with wings.

The rest of the carvings that he had found were doubles.

"Anything useful?" He finally asked Ser.

Searcher was close to cooing over the carvings, he was carefully comparing them to the charcoal rubbing that he had made of his key piece, trying to see if any of the symbols and the carvings matched.

But what was weird about the Key Piece was that it had carvings of Flames all over it....

"Not really, the carvings for the temples seem to be unique to your Multiverse, and that carving of Error, with us as the Soul, I saw that in my First Temple and I think that my Dad did too.

But the carvings with the throne, the light and the void, those are new to me, and it doesn't help that my Key Piece is covered in flame symbols, almost as if it is pointing me to my next temple."

"Do you ever have the feeling that Fate or someone else is trolling us Ser? After all, our Temples shouldn't overlap, right?" Shades asked, frowning.


A being sneezed, while their companion looked on with concern.

"Is Big Brother sick?"


"Weirdly trolled at that.." Shades said, trailing off.

"Yeah..." Searcher's left eye was twitching. "And if we are being trolled, I will strangle the one responsible for it, when I get my hands on them."


The companion sneezed this time.

He wondered if the Goth's were enjoying his artwork.


"..." Shades said, having a feeling that Fate was laughing at them for some reason...

And it wasn't just his Fate, it was Ser's Fate too..

"Why do I have a feeling that we already know who is trolling us?" Searcher asked.

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