“I’m quite sorry, but you don’t mind breastfeeding Yoongi do you? I forgot that he can only be breastfed.”

Seokjin flushed but smiled. “I don’t mind. And besides, as an omega, it has always been a dream of mine to know what it feels like to be a mother. I’m quite thankful that Yoongi can prepare me for a bit.”

Namjoon smiled fondly in understanding. He always wanted to know what being a father is like as well and Yoongi let him experience it.

They continued walking, silently and head down to prevent gaining attention. A peaceful and calming aura was surrounding them. Seokjin is very amazed by Yoongi, looking at the baby who’s staring at him with an unamused expression. Yoongi looks like he’s pissed off of everything and everyone but Seokjin found it adorable still.

Namjoon parked the wagon in front of the nearest local inn, along with other wagons and carriages. No one would steal it, seeing as it doesn’t have a horse in the first place.

“I’ll bring our sacks in, would you mind renting a room for us?” Namjoon asked, wearing one sack on the back and wearing one sack on the front.

“No problem, I got it handled.” Seokjin smiled as he went in, still carrying Yoongi. He passed by drunkards and went to the counter where an alpha bartender was cleaning a glass.

“One room please. The largest one in the house.” Seokjin demanded with authority that it almost shocked the alpha. The alpha then frowned. “’ow dare you speak to me d’at way omega? Unless you can pay up 3 silvers up front you ain’t ‘aving a room.”

Seokjin clicked his tongue. Seems like the moonflower wore off, revealing him to be an omega. And the bartender over priced the room. A normal room would’ve only cost 10 coppers or 1 silver. But Seokjin isn’t about to back down. So he took 3 silvers from his pouch and slammed it on the counter.

“The largest room. Me and my family will be staying. Alright?” Seokjin hissed.

The bartender rolled his eyes and took the silver.

“'Da room at 'da end of 'da 'all upstairs.” The alpha said, giving Seokjin a rusty key. The omega grinned and turned around, just in time to see that Namjoon was approaching him.

“Did you get us a room?” Namjoon asked.

“Of course,” Seokjin showed the key. “Now come.”

They went upstairs, Namjoon having a bit of a struggle but he managed. They passed by rooms, some are quiet and some have moans emitting from them. Seokjin rolled his eyes and covered Yoongi’s ears but the baby was already asleep, tired of staying awake.

Once they have arrived in the room, Namjoon tossed the sacks down and laid on the cheap mattress. Seokjin rolled his eyes and took his cloak off before sitting on the bed.

“I’m going to feed Yoongi so look away.” Seokjin hissed as he positioned the baby carefully by his bosom.

“Alright, alright, I understand.” Namjoon said, blushing as he did so before going to the sacks to organize their belongings.

Seokjin's breath hitched as he fumbled with the buttons as he unbuttoned his blouse, just enough to expose his breast.

“Yoongi, wake up please. It’s time for you to be fed.” The omega smiled, caressing the baby’s chin which woke him up. Yoongi glared at Seokjin but when he saw the omega’s exposed nipple, he didn't waste any time in sucking on it. Seokjin felt weird but then almost scream when Yoongi bit him but he kept it within himself to not alert Namjoon, who’s going through both sacks.

Soon, Seokjin learned to adjust to the weird sensation. He’s an omega and it’s only must that he can handle this. He’ll have to feed his future pup too, at least he had practice. The baby must be very hungry because until now, he’s still sucking and Seokjin’s sure that 10 minutes have passed.

Finally, Yoongi stopped sucking and gave Seokjin a gummy smile which warmed the omega’s heart.

“Aww, you had your fill love?” Seokjin asked as he embraced Yoongi, patting the baby’s back lightly. Yoongi let out a cute little burp that sounded more like a yawn. Seokjin cooed and kissed Yoongi’s soft and adorable cheeks, making the baby giggle.

Seokjin softly placed Yoongi on the bed and buttoned his shirt before laying next to the baby. Seokjin hummed as he gently pat the baby’s hips and thighs, lulling the baby to sleep. The omega look at Namjoon who’s now looking at them in adoration.

Inside this dirty inn room, the place smelling of rotting wood and the quite noisy place due to the busy village outside, Seokjin finally found peace. The feeling of faux leather as his new clothes on his body, the feeling of polyester sheets instead of silk- Seokjin loved every second of it.

Seokjin got an alpha to protect him and a pup to take care of, he couldn’t ask for anything more.

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