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"What do you mean by that exactly?" Camila asked standing up with her arms crossed.

Lauren walked over to her with a crack of her bones.

"Nothing, because my mother isn't going to do anything. Right mom?" Lauren clarifies.

"Hmm." Megan hummed thinking of wiping their memory.

"Is this normal?" Camila asked and Lauren shrugged.

"I mean sure, we live on this planet for all eternally." Lauren shrugged.

"Maybe killing them is a better idea." Persephone thought out loud.

"No." Dinah growled.

"So you want to keep her as your wife?" Megan asked looking at the scared Normani who is hiding in the corner practically.

"Yes, she's a goddess." Dinah tells her mother.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Lauren asked and Dinah rolled her eyes before walking over to Normani.

"Are you afraid of me?" Dinah wondered holding out her hand and Normani took it.

"Well that answers your question." Lauren shrugged before stretching.

"What are you?" Normani asked touching Dinah face.

"Zagreus, the son of Hades and Persephone. The God of hunting and rebirth." Dinah tells Normani.

"Wow...Zagreus." Normani repeat Dinah's name and Dinah's eye turned green.

"Uh..." Lauren speaks up skeptical on what Dinah is finna do.

"Isis." Dinah connected their forehead as eyes widened.

"Who?" Normani asked.

"You were reborn." Dinah disconnected their forehead and sighed.

"Did you say Isis?" Persephone questioned.

"Who's Isis?" Camila asked.

"Isis is the Goddess of healing, protection, and magic." Lauren sits down and huffed.

"What are you upset about now?" Camila wondered.

"How does Dinah get that and I got a human?" Lauren asked and Camila scoffed.

"You dickhead." Camila kicks Lauren on her leg and Lauren didn't flinch.

"See." Lauren rolled her eyes and Persephone checked the time.

"Well I have something to do, breakfast is over." Persephone vanished after she said that and Camila also leaves causing Lauren to sit.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked and Camila doesn't respond.

"I think you made her mad." Dinah points out and Lauren gets up.

"I can see that D." Lauren rolled her eyes with a huff this time and stuffed her hands in her pocket.

She leaves to go find Camila as Dinah turn to Normani.

"Do you wanna go for walk so you can have fre-" Dinah gets cut off by Normani lips meeting hers.

"Let's just go..." Normani mutters and Dinah nodded with a blush.

They interlock their hands and made their way out the castle. As they walked hand in hand, their destination seemed to be the beach.

"How long have you known that I was that Goddess?" Normani asked.

"Since I laid my eyes on you." Dinah admitted and Normani blushed remembering what Dinah had said to Lauren when they first met.

"Dinah, what the hell are you doing?" Lauren asked causing Dinah to look at Lauren.

"I'm talking to a goddess." Dinah looked back at Normani to see her touching her neck.

Normani started touching her neck from the memory and it caught Dinah eye. Reaching their destination, they took off their shoes and made their way towards the shore but only to where the water is going to touch their feet. Sitting down, Normani leaned on Dinah shoulder.

"I just don't see me being a goddess." Normani mutters and Dinah look at her.

"I did, when I first laid my eyes on you I had a feeling since you are so pretty, not saying that humans aren't pretty I'm just saying th-" Dinah rambled but Normani cut her off with a kiss.

It was their first kiss and felt relieving, fresh, sweet, all of it really. When they pulled away, it was slow and Dinah opened her eyes first as Normani kept hers close. Dinah watched as the sun reflected off of Normani's melanin skin seeing a glimpse of Isis. She was honestly stuck in the trance, seeing a god or goddess true beauty is truly fascinating.

"Hmm, you were rambling...I'm sorry." Normani looks down.

"It's okay, I- uh...the kiss was very much needed i guess." Dinah struggled to find the words and Normani can see her distress.

She giggles and place a peck near the edge of Dinah's mouth on her cheek.

"I understand what you are trying to say." Normani smile brightly showing her perfect white teeth.

"You do?" Dinah asked.

"Yep, you are saying that you enjoyed the kiss but you wouldn't mind another one..." Normani trails off capturing Dinah lips in another kiss which lingers longer than the first one.

It was to the point where they were making out but not heavily at all. Normani had her hands placed Dinah's chest as Dinah have her arms propped up so no sand would get in her hair. Pulling away, Normani lay her head down on Dinah's chest.

"That was nice." Dinah tells her with a smile and Normani sighs.

"I don't understand why Lauren can't be this way towards Camila, it seems she intends to hurt her but want to love her then reject that. I don't understand..." Normani explains and Dinah sighed also.

"We are the children of Hades, there can be a lot of love but lust can take over quickly also death." Dinah tries to elaborate so Normani can understand a little bit better.

Normani nods slightly before looking at the now settled sun.

"Maybe we should go back and check on them." Normani suggest and Dinah stands up swiftly to help Normani.

"Good idea." Dinah agrees as they walked back to the castle hand in hand.

It was a silent but comfortable walk as Normani eyes focused on the sky. Dinah didn't want to disturb her gaze and kept quiet.

"My grandmother." Normani finally found the star that shone brightly in the sky and Dinah looked up to see where she's pointing.

"Hi Normani's grandmother." Dinah waved causing Normani to giggle.

She seen the bright star twinkle like in fairytales and smiled.

"I think she likes you." Normani mentions causing Dinah to blush.

"I promise to protect." Dinah bows and Normani keeps that smile on her face as she hugs Dinah.

They continue their way until they make their way inside the castle and they bump into Camila.

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